Sherlock Holmes.

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Christmas imagine!

Christmas was your all time favourite holiday. You'd go all out, make your home look like Santas grotto. Or as scrooges say; like Christmas thrown up everywhere. But hey, you weren't going to let the scrooges ruin your Christmas.
Unfortunately for you, you were in love with a grinch. Sherlock didn't partake in any holiday celebrations. Thought they were a waste of time. But this year it was going to change. You were going to make this scrooges heart three times bigger.

While Sherlock was on a case you thought it was a perfect opportunity to decorate the flat. You swapped the ordinary cousins to Christmas themed ones. You put tinsel and garlands on every surface you could. The tree was the most difficult but the best part to decorate. Aside from the star, you decorated the tree beautifully. You put a Christmas hat on Sherlocks skull on the fireplace. You bakes cookies in the kitchen, both ordinary and gingerbread. You changed into a Christmas jumper and put on an elf hat. The last step was to wrap the presents you'd already brought. Placing them delicately under the tree. 

Not long after you finished. You relaxed on Sherlocks chair, proud of all your work.
You hoped Sherlock likes what you did.
You gently fell asleep on the the chair. The Christmas lights and Christmas music luring you into dreamland.

You were slowly brought out of dreamland, to someone caressing your hair gently. You felt a warm kiss pressed on your head.
"Sherlock?" You mumbled sleepily.
"Hello my beautiful elf." He said softly.
You smiled.
"How was the case?"
"The same as usual. Don't worry about it. I see you been busy today."
"Yeah. I wanted to surprise you. Hopefully make you the happy side of the grinch."
"The grinch eh?"
You hummed.
"Yeah. Have your heart grow three times bigger and save cindy loo who."
Sherlock chuckles.
You sat up.
"I did leave one think for you." You said to him.
He raised his eyebrow.
"Oh yeah? What?"
"Well first off. We need to get you changed."
"Just go in the bedroom and put on the clothing that's on the bed."
"Fine." Sherlock retreated into your shared bedroom and after moments of clear hesitation, Sherlock trudged out the bedroom with a Christmas jumper on and a Santa hat.
"I hate this." He grumbled.
"You love it."
"No I love you."
"Aww. Now cmon!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the tree.
"I wanted you to put the last piece of the decorations up." You said and handed him the star.
"Why?" He asked.
"Well you're my star. The only source of light in my life that shines the brightest."
"Stars don't actually shine-"
"Shut up Sherlock. You mean the most to me and this is a way I want to show that."
Sherlock smiled.
He gently pulled you into his arms and kissed you fondly.
"You're my star too." He said resting his forehead on yours.
"How about we do it together?"
"No this is for you! We can do other things together!" You said.
"Maybe. But I want to share this moment and a million others like this. With you."
"Oh Sherlock."
"You're the love of my life. Even if you vomit Christmas every year. But I love that about you little elf."
You both held the star and put it gently on top of the tree.
"I love you Sherlock."
"I love you more little elf."

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