Philip Anderson.

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This is a request for ineffable_husbands_
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Dating the former detective was a wild ride. You'd been there for him when you'd met when he was an investigator to a case you were involved in. He asked for you number and asked if you'd go on a date with him after the case was solved. Of course you said yes.
After being ruthlessly deduced by Sherlock. And given rapid apologies from John. You did leave the crime scene. But Philip followed you. Making sure you was okay and had gotten home safely.

Ever since that fateful day, you both became way more then friends.
You politely stayed away from his conspiracy group about Sherlock (You weren't interested in the 'consulting detective' ever since he upset you) you'd go to your favourite library while the meetings were taking place. You comforted Philip endlessly. Especially when he received aggression from Greg about it being Philips fault Sherlock was dead. Greg did get one hell of a lecture from you, silently promising to never get on your bad side.

Philip was a hopeless romantic. He'd always buy you flowers. Always making sure you weren't ever left with dead ones. He'd make you breakfast every morning, waking you up gently. He would drive you too and from work. He would surprise you with dates. From watching a movie together, to baking to taking you out to posh restaurants.

Philip was outright with his emotions. He's tell you he loved you any chance he could. He'd hold any part of you so he could be reminded you were actually there. He'd buy you gifts. His love language was a bit of everything. Though he main one was words of affection. He wanted to make sure that you felt special all the time.

Your love language was through food. It's a thing that wins the hearts of many people, and it was your favourite thing to cook new recipes and give them to the people you loved. Philip would always say he would die happy eating anything you cooked for him.

You and Philip would do everything you could together on your day off. He worked from home for his conspiracy group, but when you had a day off you'd both go on a day trip. Either to the museums, aquariums. Even day trips out of London. And on the holidays you'd have off you'd travel around England. You both loved making memories with each other. You were both hopelessly in love with one another.

You never expected to be in a loving relationship with anyone. Philip was a surprise, many men let you down in the past but when you met Philip he made it his whole life's mission to never let you down or fall out of love with you. He was obsessed with you. Not in a controlling way, but in a I'd do anything for you way. You had him wrapped around your finger. He treated you like the goddess you are. Of course you did the same. You made him into a better man. To feel his emotions more and not be frightened to cry. To ignore what harsh words are spoken. You also showed him his worth all the time with each passionate kiss.

Your absolute favourite thing was the love letters he'd write for you. He'd write you pages of poetry confessing his love for you, how he wants to spend eternity with you, how he'd die or sacrifice himself in any way for you. He's leave post it notes on mirrors and doors reminding you how beautiful you are, sometimes with positive quotes or jokes to make you smile.

All in all. Philip was the love of your life and you are his. No matter what you both did. You overflowed it with love and affection. You were each others drug. But you'd have it no other way.

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