When you are on your period.

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Sherlock Holmes...

He doesn't usually know what to do but he always likes to cuddle you and get you anything you want.

"Sherlock." I called walking into the living room seeing him sitting on his usual black chair.

"Yes sweetheart?" He asked.

"I'm dying." He looked up at me in shock. He shot up from the sear and walked towards me in panic. (! At the Disco 😂)

"What's wrong? What's happened? Where are you hurt? Please don't go towards the light."

"What? I'm bleeding. It's my time of month. And my womb hurts. Hence, the I'm dying part. I'm not actually dying. But I'd rather have death then this pain."

He looked dumbfounded.

He then picked me up bridal style to then set me down in the sofa. He then ran into our room and back out with a pale pink fluffy blanket. To then run into the kitchen to put the kettle on and going into the freezer to get to your emergency stash of your favourite Ben and Jerry's ice cream. He made you a nice hot chocolate with whipped cream with a flake. He went into the bathroom to grab something. He then went through the kitchen grabbing the ice cream with a spoon, the hot chocolate, a glass of water with some pain killers.

He then put your favourite TV show on and cuddled you for the rest of the day

John Watson...

He keeps track of your cycle so he always knows what to expect and to stock a few more necessities for you.

"Babe?" I called.

"Yeah?" He called back.

"Where are my pads?"

"Where they should usually be. I got you thick scented ones with wings for you! There's chocolate in the cupboard and I've re stocked your secret stash."

"Okay babe. Thank you!" Wait. He knows where my secret stash is?


"Yes I know where your stash is. Don't worry I don't take anything. I have my own stash!" Ah okay

"I love you babe!"

"Love you too!"

Mycroft Holmes...

Although he has a hard exterior. He is a big softie, he gives you space when you want it and he will cuddle and kiss you. He would cook your favourite meals and watch romantic sappy movies and let you cry in his chest.

"Mycroft, can we watch a movie?"

"Sure which one?"

"(Any sad romantic films because I don't know any)"

"Okay Darling, want some chocolate?"

"Yes please my love. Did you get me the pads I requested on your way home from work?"

"Yes Darling they are by the sink in our bathroom."

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