Mycroft Holmes.

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Found this in my Facebook memories, thought I'd share the dramatic Mycroft Holmes.
This is a request for The_Lonely_Blue
Disclaimer: talks of mental health, self harm.
This isn't a topic to idolise, but if anyone is struggling with mental health or just want someone to talk too my DMs are open.
There's an age gap. I don't know if people need this as a warning or anything but thought id say it anyway.
Your eyes scanned the landscape of London. The view bringing you peace. You hugged yourself, hoping to disappear. Your eyes held tears. Your brows furrowed. Lips pursed together. But even at the verge of a breakdown, you thought about the love of your life; Mycroft Holmes.
People judged you heavily for loving the stone cold man. They berated you for falling in love. Their words of hate hung heavily over you. But when they noticed that them words seemingly didn't affect you, they started fabricating lies.
"How could Mycroft even like someone like you?"
"Why would Mycroft become sentimental to someone so worthless?"
"Mycroft must be using her sexually, I mean that's only what anyone would want her for."
Their words were endless.
You shivered as the London breeze hit you. The sun was setting, but there was so much doubt in your mind about going home to the love of your life.
Though he was stone cold, he was the most loving man ever. He shows you a side, only for your beautiful eyes to see. You had melted his ice cold heart, but froze it daily when he had to deal with idiots at Westminster.

Today you had worried him. He usually has a ton of messages from you during the day, but left none. He'd left you a few messages, but you left him on 'read' or 'delivered.' You didn't want to burden him with your insecurities.
You wiped your tears and took a deep breath. You tuned away from the River and walked back home. Mycroft wasn't due to finish for another few hours, so you could busy yourself and try not to let your thoughts go rampant.

Stepping through the door. You discarded your shoes by the door. Hanging your coat on the coatrack haphazardly. You changed into the baggiest pyjamas you had. You walked outside to the patio, sitting on the patio steps watching the birds going to and from the bird feeder you had installed. You fiddled with your hands as you thought about the words spoken to you.

"You never answered me." You heard behind you. You jumped and turned to see Mycroft standing at the back door. His face dropped from his usual smirk into a small frown when he'd seen your state. Tears in your eyes. Your fave as red as tomatoes. Your brows furrowed. And your whole body shaking.

"Darling." Mycroft said taking a few steps towards you. Then sitting next to you, pulling you into his arms. You started sobbing heavily.
"Good heavens Darling. What happened to get you so upset?"
You shook your head, burying yourself into his chest as much as you could.
Mycroft ran his hands through your hair as you cried. Gently shushing you as he whispered "I love yous." "You're okays" and "you're safe." He gently rocked you in his arms.
After a while you had stopped crying. Mycroft gently wiped your face with his handkerchief.
"What happened?" He asked you gently.
You moved away from Mycroft and looked at your feet.
"I'm not worth it."
"Not worth what?"
"You? Anything?"
"It's true! People at work make fun out of me because I'm with you! They think I'm only with you for your money or for you to use for sex. Or that there's no way this is a normal relationship because I'm young! They make me feel more worthless then I already am!"
"Oh Darling." He said gently pulling you into his arms again.
"You're not worthless. Far far from that. You're the most amazing, gorgeous and most amazing woman I've ever met in my life. You're the most caring and loving. You don't see me for my faults like everyone else does. We know what our relationship is like why does it matter to anyone else? Our age doesn't matter, who cares if you like old men? You're the one that don't deserve me. Not the other way around. I'll fire them tomorrow. No one is going to upset you like this and get away with it."
You snuggled into Mycroft
"But you don't know who they are."
"Darling. It won't be hard to figure out. After all everyone are just goldfish. Except from you of course." He said kissing your head.
"For the record Myc you're not old."
Mycroft chuckled.
"I'm old enough."
"Maybe. But I love you anyways."
"I love you too."
You smiled into his chest.
"Promise me something?" Mycroft asked.
"If this ever happens again please don't ignore me? At least let me know you're safe, even if you want to be alone."
"I promise. Sorry for worrying you."
"Don't worry about upsetting me. I'm here for you no matter what."

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