Philip Anderson.

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By the way. I hope to do some Christmas imagines in December. I'm hoping to post once a week till Christmas Day. So if anyone had any Christmassy requests that I haven't done in the days of December I did. Let me know I'll be more then happy to do them!
Normal requests are open as usual!

This is a request for ineffable_husbands_
Gender neutral reader. And talks of misgendering.
"I'm telling you he's alive! Maybe he has secret rendezvous with Moriarty!" Philip cried.
"Uh huh."
"Or maybe he's with Monks."
"He's dead Philip. You need to understand that."
"He isn't!" He protested. "He's leaving me clues! He's getting closer and closer to England! He's still solving cases because he can't stay away! He's just not taking credit for it!"
You look up from your book.
"Philip. I know you feel regret about how you and slaggy- I mean Sally- treated him. But he isn't coming back."
"But the clues!"
"It's all a coincidence. Hope. You want this to be him but it's not. He's 6 foot under. I'm sorry. But you need to understand."
Philip nodded, tears filling his eyes.
"I miss him. And he's stupid ego."
"I know. We all do." You said hugging him.
"I'm meeting with my group later. Do you want to come?" He asked.
"Sure. Just don't expect me to converse."
"I never do."

"Hes in new deli."
"Huh?" You said looking startled.
"He's in new deli! The incident of new deli."
"You're as bad as John naming these."
"He solved it with ice cream! But got the lead inspector to take the credit! He's hiding! And I'm going to find him!"
"Sure you are Philip."
"Well what about the mysterious juror?"
"The who what?"
"I'm Germany!"
"I'm gonna need you to add context here."
"Trepoff killed his wife! The jury didn't think he killed his wife. But Sherlock did!" 
"Am I the only one you talk to about this?"
"No. I told Greg."
"You really lost your job for this."
"Yes. But it doesn't matter! He's alive and I know it!"
"Sure he is." You sighed.

"Sherlock still out there! I'm convinced of it!" Philip said. You rolled your eyes and sighed.
Then everyone's attention went to the tv.
"Well I'll be damned." You said.
"Oh my god." Some girl in the group said.
Everyone's phone started going off in sync.
"Yes!" Philip shouted. "I knew it was him all along!"

A few days later you stood next to Philip. Your eyes fixated on the curly haired detective who apparently wasn't dead.
"It worked perfectly." Sherlock said.
"Molly. Molly hooper was in on it?"
"Yes." You zoned out again. Still in shock that your friend was alive.
You watched the conversation with Sherlock and Philip.
"You were always right. I wasn't dead." Sherlock said.
"No. No. Everything's okay now isn't it?"
"Yeah. Though of course you wasted police time. Perverted the course of justice. Risked distracting me from a massive terrorist assault that could have both destroyed parliament and caused the death of hundreds of people."
"Oh god. Oh god. I'm sorry Sherlock." Philip started crying.
You furrowed your brows.
"No. Don't apologise." You said. Both men's attention was drawn to you.
"You can't make Philip feel guilty for trying to find you. If you didn't want to be going you wouldn't do what you do and publicise it even if you didn't take the credit!"
"Excuse me?" Sherlock said.
"Ever since you died Philip found your clues! That even a stupid person could find. Because he knew you! He knew your ways of solving things. So don't you dare blame him for your wrongdoings."
"He never liked me." Sherlock said.
"Who did? Most of, if not all of Scotland Yard didn't like you! You're a sociopath who tired to be the bestest in the room- heck! In the whole world! But guess what Sherlock the world don't revolve around you. So get off your high horse."
"I thought we were friends?" Sherlock slightly questioned.
"Yeah I thought we were too. But then you 'died' and didn't tell anyone who cared about you."
Sherlock turned to Philip.
"She's crazy ain't she?" Sherlock said.
"It's they. You misgendered them. Their pronouns are they or them." Philip said whiling his eyes.
"Oh. Right. Well.." Sherlock trailed off leaving the apartment.
"You didn't have to do that." You said.
"He misgendered you. And I weren't going to stand for it. He can insult me all he likes but no one can insult you."
"Because I like you." Philip said.
"I like you too."
"No I mean I like like you. I have romantic feelings for you."
"But it's okay if you don't feel the same. No one ever does."
"Oh but I do."
"You do?"
"I do." You said wrapping your arms around his neck, his hands instantly going to your waist.
"May I kiss you?" He asked.
"You may." You smiled.
He gently pressed his lips to yours. His beard tickling your skin. You both pulled away. He then lightly pressed his forehead to yours.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For sticking up for me. For liking me. For everything."
"You don't have to thank me."

It has been about six months since you started dating Philip. His mental health got better. He wasn't so obsessed with Sherlock no more. His conspiracy group 'the empty hearse' was disbanded due to the detective actually being alive.
You were both cuddled close together on his sofa. Watching some crappy tv.
"I love you." He said into your hair. You looked up at him. Kissing him lightly.
"I love you too."
He pulled you closer, well as any closer as you both could get.
Everything in London was how it used to be. And you both were thankful for it.
You had a boyfriend who respected you more then anyone in the world. He treated you like royalty. After all you were the only royal for him. He'd even call you his "qwing" a mixture of king and queen because you were both to him. Forever and always.

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