Jim Moriarty

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I'm going to do small imagines so I can upload more often!
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You was a hit woman. You got payed to kill someone. Which obviously got the attention of Jim Moriarty. You worked with him for a while, until he asked you on a date. Which then turned to more dates, which them ended in him asking you to be his girlfriend. Which obviously you said yes to.

It was a normal day at work; sitting on a rooftop, sniper rifle in your hands. The scope by your eyes, starting at your target. Your finger about to pull the trigger,

"Oh sweetheart!" A voice startled you, you turned around and aimed your handgun at their head, looking at them with a glare.

The person, who was your lover, stood their with their hands up.

You sighed.

"Jim, babe. I'm working, go away." You turning around to find your target again. Once you found him, your finger pulled the trigger, the bullet leaving the barrel, the bullet then finding a home in the targets head. You smirked as blood went everywhere.

You packed up your weapons. And left the rooftop and then the building. Jim following behind.

"I know your working, but I wanted to see what you do on a daily basis."

"Fine. Just don't get in my way or I'll shoot you too."

-time skip-

It was your last victim of the day. You had to kill him slowly and painfully.

You was in an abandoned warehouse. The bloke lying on the floor in pain.

"Tell. Me. Where. He. Is." You sliced his skin with each word.

"Fuck off, bitch."

"Oh no." You heard Jim whisper.

You straddled the man. Which in turn, made him think you were seducing him. Because he had hired a 'hitwoman, prostitute'

You raised you knife above you head. His eyes widened when he seen what was happening. You quickly, with so much force, brought down the knife into his chest. You then started stabbing him repeatedly. Once you were certain he was dead, you didn't stop. Blood was on your face, dripping your your hair.

You stood up. Walked away from the body. You then looked at Jim, who them looked proud.

"My sweetheart, I love you so darn much" he said and pulled you into a kiss.

"You love me?" You asked when you both pulled away. You and Jim have been going out for a few months and none of you had said them three words.

"Yes! Of course I do! Your amazing and I'm glad your my girlfriend. I love you too much!"

"Good. Because I love you too."

He smiled widely and went to pull you in another kiss. But you pulled away,

"Jim, I'm covered in blood."

"I don't care. Let me kiss you!"

You laughed and he pulled you Into another kiss.

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