Greg Lestrade

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In this you're deaf. I understand this can be triggered for some people so if this bothers you then scroll past. This has mentions of mental health issues and physical health issues. Please don't read it if this will trigger you. Otherwise please enjoy! This is a request for The_Lonely_Blue hope you all enjoy!

Your world was silent. It wasn't always that way. Unfortunately, in your mid teens you gained deadly infections of both ears which plunged your world to silence. Never again would you hear anything.
You didn't let it bother you though. You still lived as much as you could as someone who could hear. The only thing you couldn't grasp was dating. No one wanted to date a deaf woman. You were close friends with Sherlock Holmes. You both knew each other since university. You surprisingly put up with Sherlock and enjoyed his shenanigans. You sometimes helped him research as you enjoyed his company and he was one of the only people that you could communicate with. Your parents grew distant with you after they found out you were going deaf and your friends left you. But when you met Sherlock you knew you could always count on him.
When you met Sherlock, he learned how to sign very quickly. You were shocked and emotional when he communicated with you by sign and when he admitted he learned it to become friends.
You could read lips and talk yourself after all deafness don't stop people being able to talk, though you could talk you didn't cause you was too anxious about how your voice sounded. But sometimes when Sherlock was too excited he spoke too fast for you to understand. You didn't mind you found it amusing when he realises.
"Hey Y/n." He said slowly.
"Hey Sherlock." You signed.
"Someone's going to pop round the flat today. He needs help on a case. I'm just telling you so he don't startle you."
You smiled at Sherlocks worry.
"Thank you Sherlock. Is it John?"
"No. He's another college of mine like John."
"Oh right because Sherlock don't have any friends." You signed and smiled.
"Then what am I? Rubbish on the road?"
Sherlock laughed.
"Your an exception." Sherlock smiled
"Do you want tea?"
"Please. Can you make your special cake too?" He asked.
"Of course."
You got up and went to Sherlocks kitchen and got out the ingredients for a sponge cake with chocolate decor.
While you were busy in the kitchen you had your back to the living room.
In your concentration you didn't even notice a presence behind you. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you jumped and slipped on the floor into the random person.
Luckily the person were stable on their feet and easily caught you in their arms.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you." The person said.
You looked at the strange person in confusion.
You admired his handsome face. How his grey hair complimented his skin. How his dimples fit perfectly in his face. How his eyes shone beautifully. In your daze you realise he was talking. You gently covered his mouth and then signed that you were deaf. When he looked at you in confusion you pointed to your ear and shook your head.
"You can't hear? I'm so sorry I scared you."
You seen Sherlock at the other side of the table laughing.
"It's not funny. You know I can't hear and get scared easily. No cake for you." You signed to Sherlock. His face dropped in disbelief.
'Who is this?' You signed to Sherlock.
"This is Detective inspector Gavin Lestrade." Sherlock said slowly so you could read his lips.
You turned to 'Gavin' and smiled.
"No. It's Greg, Sherlock. How many times do I have to tell you!"
"It's not important." Sherlock dismissed.
'Yeah still no cake for you.' You turned to Greg and smiled.
'Would you like some tea and cake?'
Greg smiled "Yes please."
You turned back to Sherlock to see his mouth wide open in shock.
You readied the tea and cake and handed them to Greg.
"Thank you."
You smiled and then handed some to Sherlock.
'I couldn't bare not giving you any. I know how much you love my cakes.' You signed.
Sherlocks face lit up as he dug into the cake. You grabbed your own and sat on the sofa next to Greg.
The two men where having a conversation. One that you didn't really care about.
You looked up from your lap and nothing Sherlock was nowhere to be seen.
You seen Greg still next to you on his phone. You grabbed a notebook you kept on hand. You then gently tapped Greg on his shoulder. He looked at you and smiled.
"Where's Sherlock?" You wrote.
"Oh, there was a case. He didn't want you to be left alone. Hope you don't mind."
"No, it's fine. Thank you for your company."
"Your welcome."
Over the next couple of hours you and Greg got to know each other. You both talked about your passions. Things you hated. Things you loved.
Time went fast and before you know it Sherlock arrived him.
"Thanks for keeping me company Greg."
"Your welcome. Can't wait to see you again."

It weren't long till you both did meet again. Sherlock dragged you out the flat to help him on a case. You approached Greg as Sherlock approached the body.
You waved at him, to which he smiled.
You pulled a notebook out of your bad.
"Hiya Greg. Wish out second time meeting weren't by a dead body."
Your eyes widened in shock when he started to sign.
"Yes... wish... it.. was... better... circumcised."
You laughed at his mix up of words.
"Circumstances." You signed.
His eyes widened in panic.
"What did I say?"
You wrote what he said In your notebook and showed him.
"Oh dear. I'm sorry I thought I'd learn so we could communicate. But I'm not as good as Sherlock."
"Don't be so hard on yourself. I can teach you if you want?" You offered.
"That would be lovely. How's about I take you to dinner as repayment for your lessons. As a date?" He said sheepishly.
"I'd love that Greg."
"Great. Here's my number. Call me- shit."  He rubbed his face in embarrassment.
You grabbed his hand and lowered it from his face.
"Hey. Don't worry. Be yourself. Say anything and I'll understand it." You smiled.

You left the crime scene with Sherlock. You proceeded to engage in conversation with Greg over text. As days went on you noticed that you were slowly falling in love with the detective.
You loved teaching Greg sign language and he loved taking you to dinner.
You didn't know what to do. You didn't think you were worth anything cause you were deaf. You fell hard for Greg. And it scared you.
You were in your room. Going through a depressive episode. You were in bed. Huddled under your favourite blankets.
You felt someone sit on your bed. They rested their hand on you. You turned to see Sherlock.
"Are you okay?" He signed.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He offered.
You nodded.
"I'm in love with Greg."
"That's amazing! Why are you sad?"
"I'm deaf. Who wants a deaf person really? I'm not worth his time. I'm not worth anyones time." You started to cry.
Sherlock looked at you in sympathy. He opened his arms in which you then crawled yourself into his warmth.
You sobbed silently In Sherlocks arms.
Sherlocks attention was caught by something else.
He gently lifted you out his arms and against the pillows.
"Someone is at the door. I'll be back." Sherlock signed.
You nodded.
You huddled back under your blankets. 
Someone tapped you in the shoulder. You opened your eyes to see Greg smiling at you.
"Hi darling." In his hands were the most beautiful of flowers. Your absolute favourite flowers.
"These are for you." He said.
Your eyes filled with tears and you pulled the blanket over your head.
Greg was confused. He seen Sherlock in the doorway.
"Is she okay?"
"Yeah. She'll be fine. Do you like her?" Sherlock replied.
"Of course I do. She's amazing!"
"Do you love her?" Sherlock asked.
"Yes. More than anything. I'm here to ask her out. You sure she's okay?"
"Just talk to her. She'll tell you. By the way Geoff if you hurt her I'll hurt you." Sherlock threatened.
"I wouldn't dare."
"Good. I'll leave you two alone."
After Sherlock left Greg pulled the cover from your face.
He proceeded to them wipe your tears away.
"I'm sorry." You signed.
"Don't apologise. Are you okay?"
You shook your head.
"I'm in love with you and I'm scared. Why would anyone want me? I can't hear! I won't ever be able to hear! I'm too different. You should've even be anywhere near me." You signed.
"Oh Y/n. I love you too. Your the most amazing and unique person in the whole world. You make my life feel complete. I don't care if you can't hear. Your the most important person I know."
You started crying again.
"Why have me when you can have someone better. I'm not worth it."
"I don't need 'better' when I have you. Your worth everything."
"Yes. Your the light in my life and I'd do anything for you."
You smiled as your tears faded.
"Y/n. Will you be my girlfriend?" He signed.
Your eyes widened.
"Yes!" You jumped into his arms. You felt him laugh in happiness.
You pulled away and you both shared a passionate kiss.
You snuggled back into bed.
"Do you want to cuddle?" You signed.
"I'd love nothing more."
He took of his shoes and coat and got into bed with you. You snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent.
You were finally happy. And nothing would ever change that. 

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