Sherlock Holmes

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On the 7th day of Christmas 2019

The smell of eggs and bacon, pulled Sherlock out of his dream state, a small smile graced his lips. He let out a happy, yet tired sigh.

Slowly he pulled the bed sheets off his sleepy body. Sitting up, he stretched his arms with a soft grunt. Itching his head he got out of bed, and walked towards the kitchen.

But then he paused. He was taken aback. The shock edged across his face. The abrupt stop. The thoughts running across his mind. The way his heart swooned and swelled. The shock then changed to happiness. He just wanted to bathe in the sound of her voice. His favourite melody. His favourite person in his whole world. The only person who keeps him sane. The love of his life.

He continued his short journey to the kitchen.

He stopped in the doorway to the kitchen. A large grin plastered on his face. Tiredness from his eyes left.

There, in his line of visit was his girlfriend of 3 years was dancing around the kitchen, cooking him breakfast whilst his he favourite purple shirt, he discarded during their late night activities. Playing and singing along with music coming from the radio.

"Yeah I, will love you, baby. Always and I'll be there. Forever and a day, always." her sweet voice sang along the the song that was familiar to him. He heard the song before, but never cared to remember it.

He walked to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She jumped a little, but continues to sing.

She turned around in his arms and places her hands on the back of his neck

"I'll be there, till the stars don't shine. 'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme. I know when I die you'll be on my mind. And I'll love you, always."

Although, the song was unfamiliar he racked his brain to find the lyrics of the song.

It wasn't until the end if the song when he remembered the ending.

"Yeah I, will love you, baby

Always and I'll be there
Forever and a day, alwaysI'll be there, till the stars don't shine
'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme
I know when I die you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you, always" her sweet voice and his still sleepy voice sang along in tune.

Once the song ended he places a warm kiss to her lips.

"Good morning Sherly."

"Good morning to you, my love."

"C'mon, eat your breakfast. We are going Christmas shopping. Don't worry, I already called Greg and there are no cases for you today, and I know you are not already busy on a case, so I know your free today."

"Anything for you dear." He replied to her smiling.

"Once you have eaten your breakfast, maybe you could join me on the shower for some seconds." she suggested with a smirk, leaving Sherlock's grasp.

He scrambled to eat and finish his breakfast, but paused when he heard her laugh at his response to what he said.

Now, on the radio was the song 'All I want for Christmas is you.' which he thought was very fitting to what his girlfriend suggested to him.

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