Sherlock Holmes.

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This is a request for miar_rrose
In this the reader has heart arrhythmia if this is a touchy subject please don't read. I don't have heart arrhythmia, but I do have other problems with my heart, the symptoms are very similar, so most of the symptoms stated are the symptoms I get, that people with heart arrhythmia could get as well.
Warning though, there is a little bit of self loathing and lack of self love and confidence.
But otherwise I hope you enjoy!

You weren't really close to Sherlock. You met him a few times on Baker Street, seems as Speedys was your favourite Cafe to go to of a morning.
Every time you did see him you'd offer him a 'hello.' Or 'good morning.' Most of the time he never replied
One morning though when Sherlock didn't see you, he did get slightly worried. But brushed it off as you might've been unwell or slept in late. But when a day turned to two and two turned to five. His worry increased. The next morning though his worry disappeared when he saw your face. He burst out of his flat, which startled you.
"Your okay!" He said.
"Um. I'd hope so?" You said confused.
"I didn't see you for nearly a week! I was starting to get worried!"
"I... I don't even know you."
"Yes, well you always wish me a good morning or a simple hello, every time you see me. And when I didn't see you I thought something was wrong because your never not at Speedys of a morning."
"Oh. Right."
"Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah. Just don't want to unload it all on a stranger."
"Well how about you join me for a coffee?" He offered.
"That'll be nice. Thank you."
From then you and Sherlock slowly grown closer. You had just simply told him you were unwell for the week. Not that you were in hospital.

As you had grown closer it was harder to hide things from Sherlock.
Hospital trips come more often. Days in bed when the pain in your chest just wouldn't go away.
You were helping Sherlock with a case. Which involved way to much running.
The morning of said day you did wake up with some chest pain but brushed it off as you took some medication.
Chasing after person after person your chest pain got too unbearable. You both made it to 221b. But, as you walked up the stairs, following behind Sherlock, your vision started going blurry, your chest felt as if a giant sat on top of you. Your breath became erratic. Your legs shook to the point where they couldn't hold you no more. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't catch the railing. You fell backwards down the stairs. Hitting your head hardly on the ground. Your ears started to ring.
"Y/n? Y/n!" You heard Sherlock yell. You watched his blurry figure get closer to you.
"S...Sherlock?" You whispered in pain.
"It's going to be okay! Your okay!" He said though you could no longer hear his words as you faded into darkness.

You faded in and out of consciousness. You remember the blue lights and the muffled panicked voices. You remember seeing the white tiled ceiling with random lights every few seconds. You get things being stuck to you and clipped on you.
"Sherlock." You mumbled quietly.

As your eyes slowly opened, you slowly got accustomed to the bright light in the room you were in. The loud beeping noice of the Electrocardiogram (ECG) going through your skull. The oxygen mask strapped uncomfortably on your face. What was abnormal was the hand that was in yours. And the mop of curles resting next to your hand on the stiff bed.
You released your hand from Sherlocks and started gently threading them through his hair. Sherlock groaned and you smiled at him.
He shot up from his position and looked around, his eyes finally landed in yours and immediately filled with relief.
"Your awake." He stated.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked a little sad.
"I didn't want you to think I was a basket case. I like doing detective work with you, and I didn't want that to stop cause I have a stupid heart." You said eyes filling with tears.
Sherlock embraced you gently. You grasped the front of his shirt and buried your face in his neck.
"It's okay. I'm sorry for pushing you so much. I just want to make sure your okay. Your the most important person in my life and I don't know what I'd do without you otherwise. Please take it easy from now on."
Just as you were about to respond a nurse walked in.
"Ah, your awake. How are you feeling?" She asked checking your vitals.
"I'm a bit sore but otherwise okay."
"Good. Luckily you didn't too a lot of damage, your gonna get a bit of bruising but it'll go down."
"Thank you. Will I be able to leave now?" You asked her.
"Yes. Your all clear to go. Just take it more easier then usual."
"Okay. Thank you."
The nurse left, leaving you and Sherlock alone.
"Let's get you back to Baker Street." Sherlock said.
"Yeah. That'll be nice."
You got out of the incredibly uncomfortable hospital bed and walked into the little bathroom and got changed into some new clothes Sherlock brought for you. Walking out of the hospital Sherlock offered you his arm, to which you took and walked slowly towards Sherlocks flat.

Over the next few days you and Sherlock grew closer than ever before. Your newfound crush for him was ever growing. You spent more time at 221B then ever so before. You were scared. If you told him what would happen? He doesn't like sentiment. Why would that change for you? Your friendship would be destroyed.

After work one night, your chest was aching once again. You were stressed, a tad overworked. You got back to 221B wanting to see Sherlock. Mrs Hudson let you in and instantly worried over your panicked look.
She sat you down in the chair she kept in the hallway. Taking your coat and bag off you beforehand. She called for Sherlock who slowly but surely come down stair. Eyes widening in shock when he seen your disheveled state.
"Y/n." He sped towards you and immediately knelt down in front of you.
"Take deep breath's for me." He said. Struggling you managed to do so, he grabbed your hand and placed it against his chest so you could follow his breathing. Mrs Hudson rushed back to the hallway with a cold damp cloth which was then pressed against your forehead in hopes that'll relax the tension. After a few minutes of the two people helping your heart palpitations go away and breathe normally, you sat there crying.
"What's wrong?"
"Why can't I be normal?" You wailed.
"What?" Sherlock asked confused.
"I have a stupid heart, that doesn't beat properly like it's supposed to. It's agonising and I want it to stop. I have a crush on a certain detective who doesn't even do sentient, so that's pointless. I'm just stupid to even think he'd even like me back." You sobbed forgetting who you was taking too.
"How do you know he doesn't like you back?" Sherlock asked.
"Who would like me back? Cmon really? I have problems on top of problems. I'm just a waste of anyones time and energy."
Sherlock wiped your tears from off your cheek.
"But I do like you. Your the only one I feel sentiment towards. Your not a waste of time and energy, your worth all of that. You mean so much to me Y/n." Sherlock said.
You looked up into his eyes, your brain really processing who you was talking too, thinking it was Mrs Hudson the whole time.
"I love you Y/n. Problems and all."
"Really? You mean that?" You whispered.
"With all my heart." He whispered back. He then gently pulled you into a kiss.
"Cmon. You need to rest." He said scooping you up into his arms. He carried you up the stairs, into his flat and straight to his room. He gently placed you on his bed and grabbed you some of his clothes to wear. He kissed your head and left the room with a promise of tea as you got changed. After you did get changed, you waited for Sherlocks return.
"Hey. Here's some tea. I'll let you rest." Sherlock said turning to leave. You grabbed his arm quickly.
"Wait. Can we cuddle?" You asked sheepishly.
"Of course we can." He got into the bed next to you and pulled you into his arms.
"Thank you Sherlock." You said absentmindedly as he played with your hair.
"For what?"
"No need to thank me love. I have to take care of my girlfriend after all."
"Girlfriend?" You asked looking at him curiously.
"Yeah... unless you don't like that?" He asked worried. You lent up and kissed him gently.
"It's perfect. As long as I can call you my boyfriend in return."
"I'd love nothing more."
Sherlock gently pulled you closer, if that was even possible. Slowly you both fell asleep in each others arms, completely forgetting about the tea.
You knew that heart arrhythmia or not, you were worth more than anything in the world and you were glad that you could finally see your worth.

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