What you do to annoy him.

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Sherlock Holmes.

You always clean. You loved to clean, it was very therapeutic to you. He finds it annoying because he don't know where you hide his cigarettes.

John Watson.

You can never decide where to go to eat. He asks you where you want to go to eat and you can't decide so he just surprises you.

Mycroft Holmes.

He gets annoyed when you bake and give him loads of sugary treats when he is trying to lose weight. Even though you insists he is perfect the way he looks.

Greg Lestrade.

He finds it annoying when you keep your feelings to yourself and never talk about your problems or ask for help. He understands your independent but he doesn't want you to face your problems alone

James Moriarty.

He finds it annoying how you always give food and company to people who he has kidnapped. They wasn't kidnapped to get special treatment.

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