Sherlock Holmes.

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Your Pov

"C'mon Sherlock" I begged.




"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"It's not a cake. Why would I want a cherry on top of a please?"

"Please Sherlock?"

"I'm not getting matching costumes. I'm not even going to dress up."

"But Its Halloween!"

"I don't care."

"But Sherlock!"

"Y/n, I don't know why you insist on dressing up to go to some party."

"Cause it's fun! And iv'e already brought the costumes and I lost the receipt. So I cant return it and I don't want it to go to waste. So Sherlock, If you want to kiss, or cuddle in bed again I suggest, you dress up." I said all happy, but ended with a glare on my face.

Sherlock looked horrified.

"Noo I want to kiss and cuddle you!" Sherlock said.

"Then. Get. Dressed. We leave in an hour." Sherlock shot up out his chair and sped walked to our room.

I walked into the bathroom and got myself ready.

Once I was ready and dressed in my costume, I waited in the living room.

Not long after I heard Sherlock walk in.

He looked handsome in his costume.

He looked handsome in his costume

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"Well hello handsome." I said

"Well hello beautiful."

"Why a pirate?" He asked.

"Because your dear brother told me, you wanted to be a pirate when you were older."

Sherlock slowly went red.

"Don't worry I thought it was cute, I wanted to be a mermaid. Just think if that were true we could've met by the sea."

"You would have been my sea Queen."

"And you would've been my sea King. But, your my consulting detective and that's perfect for me."

"I love you so much. Even though I don't do sentiment, I'd always show sentiment for you."

I took off his pirate hat and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms sliding around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I love you even more, my sexy pirate." I stood on my tip toes and gently pressed my lips against his.

Once we ran out of breath I pulled away from Sherlock.

"Now, we got a party to go to. We are already late."

I placed the hat still in my hands, back onto Sherlock's head.

"I love you my dear, but you are such a tease." Sherlock said. I just laughed,

"Oh, Baby. I can be was worse." I said with a wink.

Authors note


I hope you enjoyed this short oneshot.

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