Birthday Traditions FT. Frisk

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Uniqua: Hey, it seems the author found us some questions!

Hoth: Nice! So, who's joining us for this episode?

Uniqua: Frisk was the first to reply. I decided to give her the spot.

Hoth: Oh, at least it isn't him.

Uniqua: Anyway, let's give a warm welcome to Frisk Dreemur!

Frisk: Hi, guys! Thanks for inviting me, Uni. I'm happy to come answer questions from fans.

Uniqua: It's no problem, Frisk. Most fans always have their own headcanons about you that may often be similar to their own traits. I think it's time we got to know more about you.

Uniqua: Okay, how do we celebrate our birthdays?

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Uniqua: Okay, how do we celebrate our birthdays?

Hoth: I normally have a small party with friends and family. Sometimes I might even get a surprise party. Even if Uniqua and Digger are the only friends who show up, it's still great.

Uniqua: He always lets me take some cake home with me.

Hoth: Yeah, and we all try to keep you out of the root beer.

Uniqua: Hey, I've been getting better. I don't drink as much as I used to, man.

Hoth: We still have to limit you, though.

Frisk: I don't do anything big either. Mettaton always wants to throw a huge party, but we never let him. We did let him jump out of a cake though. If I remember correctly, he also did that last year for Uni's birthday.

Uniqua: Nobody asked and he did it anyway. Did he actually want a sword through his head? I did not want anyone to jump out of a cake because A. I could've cut them or stabbed them, B. I could've slapped them out of fear, and C. I don't like those kinds of surprises.

Frisk: So you were definitely surprised?

Uniqua: Well, I was but, I was also scared.

Frisk: There weren't any other feelings? Hint, hint.

Uniqua: Anger was another one. And it's the one you could awaken if you don't stop shipping!

Frisk: Okay, Digger's next!

Digger: Well, I don't normally celebrate my birthday. I'm an orphan. I live on the streets and eat out of people's garbage. I mainly focus on my survival. I don't have a lot of free time.

Hoth: You don't celebrate at all?

Digger: Why should I make a big show of getting older? If it doesn't help me survive, why bother throwing a party?

Uniqua: I'm with Hoth and Frisk on this. I don't always have big parties. Even when we have a big party planned we still do something small on my birthday. And they still limit me when it's my party.

Hoth: It's for your own good.

Uniqua: Also, if Mettaton can't jump out of a cake, he at least does something or gets me something big. Or romantic.

Frisk: Awwww!

Uniqua: It's not cute. I never ask for roses, lilies, orchids, or hydrangeas. Also, the pollen gets to me.

Frisk: At least he does think of you.

Uniqua: Romantically. He thinks of me romantically. I only see him as a friend. Sometimes I feel like my beauty is a curse since I have guys chasing me.

Hoth: I think that's all we can do for today. We'll bring this list back in future episodes.

Digger: Bye!

Hoth: Bye, everyone!

Frisk: See you later!

Uniqua: Peace!

Uniqua: Now I can escape the media before they start questioning me about my relationship with Mettaton again.

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