C.U.P.I.D. Aftermath +Easter Question Box (FT. Violet & Zero)

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Hoth: Hey, everyone! Hoth here! As you all know, not all of us are very keen on Valentine's Day. This is mostly evident in how Uni acts. Well, worry no more! We're done with that holiday and we're moving on to the next one! Easter is coming earlier than usual and Lioness has a birthday the day before. Send in your questions for us as well as our two mystery guests who will be joining us from another world.


Hoth: Calm down! There's no way Cupid will be able to hit me. That window is- Wait, why are you opening it?

*Spamton tosses Mettaton's wallet inside through the window before climbing in.*

Hoth: What did you two do?

Uniqua: Check Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Mettaton got a picture of us running.

*Hoth grabs his phone and pulls up Instagram only to see a recent photo of Uni and Spamton running from Mettaton. It is captioned "They're both thieves. One took my heart and candy while the other has my wallet."*

Hoth: That's what this is about?

Uniqua: Yeah, don't tell him we're here, man. We're gonna go hide now.

*Spamton and Uni both go hide in Hoth's apartment. Outside, a winged baby flutters by holding a bow and a quiver of love arrows.*

Cupid: Okay, where is she? Hoth, you know something and I'd like you to tell me.

Hoth: Look, we've been over this. Leave Uniqua alone, Cupid. She's not interested. I may have been at one point and I would like to call off the mission. Besides, Mettaton is dating her already. We can't get between them like this.

Cupid: Wait, she picked him? Wow! I thought he was just joking when he said he roped her!

Hoth: Yeah, he was telling the truth. Also, I don't think he roped her exactly. I think she roped him. Now, please leave so I can get back to what I was doing.

Cupid: Are you sure there isn't anyone else you have eyes for?

Hoth: Yes, I'm sure.

Pixelle: Hoth, what the devil is going on here?

Hoth: U-Uh, Pixelle, I-I have a reasonable e-explanation for this.

Cupid: Now, that's a hot poodle! How'd you pull that one?

Hoth: N-No! You got it all wrong! W-We're not like that!

Pixelle: Is that Cupid?

Cupid: Yes! I am Cupid! You must be Pixelle. I have heard a lot about you. Anyway, I'm here to help Hoth get a girl so that means I have to use someone else as a target. I just have to loose an arrow at someone while they're looking at another person. It'll activate my magic in an instant!

Uniqua: *from inside Hoth's pantry* BUZZ OFF! NOBODY CARES!

Spamton: *from the closet* She's [Right On The Money] you know!

Hoth: I-Ignore that! I am not hiding anyone in my pantry or closet!

Pixelle: That's not very believable now.

Hoth: I'll get Digger to help them escape.

*Mettaton had finally caught up with Uni and Spamton. No one knows how he followed them here.*

Mettaton: Hoth, I need your help. Spamton and Uniqua are here, aren't they? I need my wallet back.

Hoth: One second.

*Hoth opens his pantry and Uni can be seen pigging out on snacks and candy.*

Cupid: Well, that's one of them.

Uniqua: I'm not the real Uni. I'm an illusion!

Cupid: Let's test that.

*Cupid looses an arrow right at Uniqua. She yelps and narrowly avoids it.*

Cupid: It's the real one!

Uniqua: I spent the past 10 years working my flank off to stay away from you. How the freak did you find me?

Cupid: You're talking to an omnipotent being and the God of love. I have my ways.

Uniqua: Well, it's kinda pointless to hunker down in someone's pantry and closet now. Spamton, you're gonna have to surrender the wallet.

*Uniqua kicks the closet door and a glitched scream is heard.*

Mettaton: What about the candy?

Uniqua: Yeah, I kinda stored it away in my stomach and mane. You're not getting it back. What you can have is your heart because I'm not looking to have any extra baggage while I'm outrunning Cupid.

*Spamton crawls out of the closet and drops the wallet. He then scanpers out the window. Uniqua takes whatever she can from Hoth's pantry and follows suit. Digger busts through the wall inside a barrel and pokes her head out.*

Digger: Hey, what did I miss?

Hoth: It all happened in a short amount of time but, there's a lot to fill you in on.

Pixelle: We'll explain everything, Hoth. You should go check on the portals and rifts our guests will pass through.

Hoth: Oh, yeah! I'll take a look at those.

*Hoth then enters a separate room that was being used as a lab for his work. There was an open portal near the back wall. Two lifeforms had used it to pass through. One was a purple hedgehog with long quills tied in a regal bun and punk bangs. The other was a charcoal gray jackal with messy dreads.*

Zero: Where are we?

Violet: I think we successfully crossed into another world. This portal spit us out inside some kind of laboratory. I say we should start exploring and gather as much as we can about this place, Z.

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