Captured... Still... (Ep. 14)

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*Uniqua was proceeding through enemy territory quickly. She had to get to Mystic Manor to bring her mech and save her friends. No badnik or EggPawn was safe from her.*

Uniqua: Pfft, some army you have, Eggturd. These ain't even made with good quality material. They're all weaklings compared to the ones I've worked with.

*The sound of a portal opening and closing is heard as a rock flies towards Uniqua. It is then suspended in front of her face by her magic.*

Uniqua: Another letter? I'll read it later. If I stop now, I'll get my tail whooped. Aight, bring your worst! I can take a hit!

*A familiar jackal with a mask had been watching from a distance. He'd been curious as to how strong the pony was and decided to make a few illusions for her to fight using the power granted by the ruby on his chest.*

*Colors inverted, gravity changed, and strange cannons appeared. The horse struggled to dodge the projectiles. She knew this wouldn't be as easy as beating it in a game.*

Uniqua: Okay, this is WAY worse than Forces! I can't dodge this shtick!

*She continued on. But the illusions didn't stop either. A robotic echidna was about to become her victim or defeat as it waited for her to strike. She thought she was prepared. So, she swung at her enemy with all she had. But it fought back. It socked her down and quickly disarmed her.*

Uniqua: Alright, so you wanna play some Street Fighter? Or maybe you wanna do some Smash Bros. or Fatal Fury? Either way, come at me, bro!

*The battle raged as both engaged in physical combat. Unfortunately, Uniqua lost. The illusions disappeared after she had fallen and the masked jackal left her to be taken by EggPawns.*

*Meanwhile in the prison... *

Mettaton: Are you sure all you have is HAM?!

Dr. Eggman: Can't a scientist enjoy his evil ham without anyone judging him?!

Sonic: Guys, just relax! I'm sure she's on her way right now!

Digger: I'll still have this hole ready in case she doesn't make it. I can just tunnel under all the cells and dig us a way out.

Knuckles: That isn't a bad idea. But we should still wait and see if she actually gets here.

Mario: Listen, you are not the only one who's hungry! All that talk of food earlier is what caused this!

Luigi: Hopefully she brings plenty of food!

Bowser: Would all of you shut up? I'm trying to make a phone call! *to the person on the other end* Jr., you may not come out until I give the signal.

Bowser Jr.: But that jackal guy has the princess, Papa!

Bowser: He caught her?

Bowser Jr.: Yeah, some EggPawns are carrying her.

Bowser: Great, tell him to bring her back to her cell.

Bowser Jr.: I will, Papa.

Dr. Eggman: It seems Infinite has stopped her.

Mario: Oh no!

Sonic: How bad of a condition is she in?

Dr. Eggman: Hopefully not too bad! She is quite powerful, isn't she?

Digger: She's almost like a tank. But that tank just crashed.

*The doors open as the masked jackal stepped in followed by the EggPawns carrying Uniqua.*

Uniqua: You know, that mask ain't hidin' nothin'.

Infinite: Just be quiet and go to your cell.

Uniqua: You ain't the boss of me, man! What you gonna do? Throw me off a cliff?

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