New Friends! FT. Violet & Zero (EP. 47)

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*This episode may hint at Royaltale and Undertale Yellow.*

*The whole crew seemed to be at MTT Studios today since they were going over some upcoming Royaltale episodes. Violet and Zero were mostly just watching the chaos unfold.*

Mettaton: I can't believe I'm getting a new form for the Wondergrounds arc!

Frisk: It's mostly to help you blend in with other mystics easier.

Uniqua: Hey, what did I tell y'all's about spoilers?!

Mettaton: We weren't spoiling anything.

Uniqua: And I was getting ready for my villain arc.

Mettaton: Wait, you're getting a villain arc?

Uniqua: I am, dude. I ain't tellin' nobody what I'll do. Y'all are gonna have to wait until we get there to see.

Frisk: I have read up until that point already and it doesn't look good. You completely forgot who you were for a while.

Uniqua: I finally get to show peeps just how crazy and evil I am. Y'all though killer robots were insane.

Mettaton: Was that supposed to be a personal attack?

Uniqua: Are you offended?

Mettaton: No, unicorns don't scare me in the slightest.

Uniqua: Okay, don't look in your pantry at 3 a.m. I'll be hiding there when you hear something that sounds like the devil from your closet.

Mettaton: Wait, you put hidden speakers in my closet?!

Uniqua: Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't.

Mettaton: You had better not have a playlist of horror noises ready for them.

Uniqua: I actually do. It took a lot of guts to dig around YouTube and stare at images and thumbnails that are pure nightmare fuel.

Frisk: Man, she's good at this. I can't even tell if she's still pure at all.

Uniqua: Yeah, I think I'm gonna nail this whole villain thing. Unless I refuse to sleep due to the things I have seen.

Frisk: I'm gonna go check on how Undyne is doing. We have to go over her battle again before we start filming.

Uniqua: Aight, I'll be raiding the snacks. If anyone needs me, I'll be on the roof.

*Uniqua casually just teleports away. She was now on her way to becoming a villain... Or at least an anti-hero.*

Violet: I think she's cool. Time to socialize!

Zero: Your highness, no.

Mettaton: Do you always have to keep her out of trouble?

Zero: I have no choice. I am her only friend and it is normal to look out for one another, isn't it?

Mettaton: It is! It's normal! Everyone does it. Of course, some of us have deeper reasons as to why we must protect someone we care about.

Zero: What are you implying?

Mettaton: You'll figure it out in the future.

Pixelle: Please stop bragging about how you snatched up Uniqua. You will only end up doing more damage.

Hoth: Pixelle does have a point, Mettaton. Also, Uni should be bragging since... Well, you know... You have a lot of great things to offer her. Not just your physical appearance, but who you are as an individual and that's why she chose you in the first place.

Mettaton: And that's exactly why I should be bragging. I was chosen by your queen. I was chosen by someone who once had a deep hatred for anyone of the male gender and had many triggers involving them due to years of childhood trauma. I broke down her walls and now I am free to visit whenever I wish.

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