Uniqua & Mettaton Explore Minecraft PT. 1

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*Uniqua had decided to go back to the group's Minecraft server to look at some of the new features added from the newest update. She had heard there would be new trees and a new wood type to be found in a new biome known as the Cherry Grove biome.*

Uniqua: Everything is exactly the way I left it here! Now, I have kinda seen a lot of these as experimental features. But I haven't seen the full update. Let me see where I can find a Cherry Grove first.

*Uniqua uses a Locate command to pinpoint the nearest Cherry Grove.*

Uniqua: Wow, it's pretty far still. I think it's in some of the unexplored chunks. I'm gonna need a little help getting there since I have a feeling I'm probably gonna be collecting quite a lot of the saplings, logs, and even the little flowers. Aight, time to go recruit some friends!

*She calls everyone onto the server. Unfortunately, a small handful of them showed up.*

Uniqua: Huh... I thought we'd be able to go as one big team, but I guess not.

Digger: Why did you call us here anyway?

Uniqua: A new update just came out and I wanna show you guys some of the features that were added.

Hothead: I've seen them before, though. I don't need to be here.

Uniqua: Didn't you say you had a map to the nearest Cherry Grove? That's where I'm headed.

Hothead: Oh, yeah! I did say that! I'll let you use it.

Uniqua: Cool, does anyone wanna go with me? I at least need one friend on this trip, guys.

Hoth: I have exams coming up, Uni. I can't join.

Digger: Yeah, I can't join either. I actually have to help Spamton move our home before they come for the garbage.

Pixelle: I would love to help you journey across this land but, I have to prepare myself for the new summer trends.

Mettaton: You said you were traveling to a Cherry Grove, right?

Uniqua: Yeah, that's the plan.

Mettaton: OMG! I would LOVE to see the beautiful trees!

Pixelle: I thought you had to do a photoshoot today.

Mettaton: That can wait just one more day.

Pixelle: Well, if you're going, I am, too.

Uniqua: Sorry, I still don't trust you around him. It's not that I don't see you as a friend or a valuable part of our team. I just think you should keep a safe distance away from Mettaton, Pixell. It's better for all of us!

Mettaton: She can join if she wants, Uniqua-

Uniqua: *feral snarling and growling*

Hoth: I thought you said at least one friend could join. Pixelle can still join.

Digger: If Mettaton wasn't already going with her, she probably would've allowed it.

Hoth: Wait, was this her attempt at asking him out without actually asking him out?

Uniqua: N-No! No, that's not what this is, Hoth!

Hoth: Why else would you wanna go to the Cherry Grove with him specifically?

Uniqua: Hey, I'm only going for the new stuff, dude. I wanna add some pink petals to the bee farm and show off the pink wood.

Mettaton: Pink? The wood is pink?

Uniqua: Yeah, you gotta see it! It's kinda cool!

Mettaton: All the more reason for me to go!

Hoth: Just for the new stuff, huh? It's a Cherry Grove! They replicated real Sakura trees in this game! You're the one who always avoids going to Sakura orchards with literally anyone because of the anime tropes and scenes set in them.

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