Spamton's Birthday Question Box

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Digger: Hey, guys! Spamton's birthday is coming up and I just came to gather questions for the next episode, which will release around his birthday. Everyone is getting at least one gift and we're all pitching in to have a party. So, feel free to ask questions for Spamton, the Addisons, me, or even any of our friends. Also, don't tell Spamton about what we're doing. Help us keep this a surprise. And tell Uniqua not to get him any vouchers for plastic surgery or facial reconstruction again.

Uniqua: What? He kinda needs it. Kai always complains about how difficult it is to draw.

Digger: He doesn't need it. He looks fine just the way he is. Now, tell Mettaton not to spend money on another voucher.

Uniqua: What if it was a prank gift?

Digger: We are not doing prank gifts!

Uniqua: Alright, fine! Mett, cancel the voucher! We don't need it!

Mettaton: I thought we were still using it for something.

Uniqua: Not anymore. Digger just told me Spamton doesn't need the surgery.

Mettaton: Well, I can give it to someone else. I already received it today and I don't want it going to waste.

Digger: That's fine, Metta. As long as it isn't Spamton, you can give it away.

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