A Day In The Lives of Spamton & Digger

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*One morning in a particular alleyway, a cluster of conjoined dumpsters was somewhat silent. The only noise coming from the dumpster home was a poor little salesman getting ready to leave for work.*

Spamton: Hey Digger, my dearest [Esteemed Customer], I'm heading out now! I should be back around [5:00], alright?

Digger: Okay, remember you are still a big shot. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Spamton: Really?! You... You think I'm a [BIG SHOT]?

Digger: In my eyes, you are! Now, get out there and make some money!

Spamton: HEHEHEHAHHAHAHEAHEAHEAHAHA! I will! Don't let anyone take our make-shift furniture.

Digger: Don't worry, nothing will happen to it. You know I don't let anyone else in this place.

Spamton: Alright, I'll be back soon. I have a [Important Business Meeting] to get to.

Digger: Tell your brothers I said hi!

*Spamton then left the dumpster cluster and headed out into the city. He couldn't wait to reunite with his brothers at the next Addison family business meeting. He knew they'd all be shocked to see him again after all these years.*

Digger: Now, what do I do? I'm not a housewife. We're just roommates. Eh, I guess I'll just do a little light cleaning. Maybe do some decorating. But what was with him earlier? Calling me "dearest?" Does he see us as something more? Eh, I shouldn't concern myself with that stuff.

*As Digger did some work around the dumpster, Spamton had finally arrived at the shopping mall the Addisons worked at. He walked inside through the front entrance and looked around.*

Spamton: Holy [Cungadero]! Would ya look at the size of this place! This is very [Fancy Dancy]! They really [Knocked It Outta The Park]! But... Would they accept me...? After everything... I've done to them? Ah, forget it! I'm a [NewMan]! I've completely [Reinvented] myself! They'll [Love] me for sure! Now, it's time to [Becomed] Spamton G. [Addison] again! This is my [One-Way Ticket] to become [Big] like I once was! I'll show them what a [BIG SHOT] I can be!

*On his way to the conference room, Spamton stops by the shop of the pink Addison.*

Spamton: Click, you never fail to [Show-Off] your [Bling Bling!] I believe you've [Upgraded] your [Inventory] since the [Last Time] I've seen it. You still have the good old [Dating Shoes], [Marriage Shoes], and [Divorce Shoes]. Wait! Are those [Engaged Shoes]?! How did you manage to [Get A Hold Of Those]?!

*The pink Addison steps out from behind the counter inside the shop and approaches the storefront window to get a look at Spamton.*

Clickson: Who are you? Why do you look familiar?

Spamton: Clickson, it's [ME]! Spamton! Remember? You used to [Pull The Wall Over My Eyes] back in the day!

Clickson: I thought you were long gone! Really, it's a surprise to see you again after all these years! I take it you came to join the meeting?

Spamton: Yes. I have! There's so much to [Talk] about!

Clickson: Why don't we head up there together? I'm taking my break right now to go join the others and would be happy to escort ya up!

Spamton: That would be [So Helpful]! [THANK YOU] so much, Clickson!

*Clickson then closed his shop for the next few hours and lead Spamton to the elevator. Once they reached the top floor, they made their way to the conference room where the other three Addisons were waiting.*

Clickson: Guys! I have big news! Guess who decided to come back!

Magson: Who is it, Click? Is it that blue guy who speaks like Shakespeare?

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