Mettaton's Training

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*Two dark-haired men sat at a café at the mall one afternoon. One was a monster celebrity and the other was a former car salesman who was working his way back up. The duo decided to meet up and discuss Uniqua's new challenge.*

Spamton: Do you really think [Joining The Gym Challenge] is a good idea?

Mettaton: If it's the only way I can show Hoth I'm the right man for her while proving I'm worthy of being king someday, I have no choice. Uniqua has standards, Spamton. She refuses to settle for anything less than but, she would also like it if she could get more than what she bargains for. Just because she's a tomboy and a punk doesn't mean she's willing to pick a loser. She doesn't want to end up like her mother.

Spamton: [Stressed]?

Mettaton: Heartbroken and alone.

Spamton: Well, hasn't she been on the [Dating Simulator] scene?

Mettaton: Lioness has for sure. But the reason why Uni's always so weary of it is because of what she and her family have been through. She's not naive to the dangers that exist. She knows what could happen in any given situation and she's let that fear stop her long enough.

Spamton: Is that why she chose [You]?

Mettaton: It's part of the reason.

Spamton: Oh, really? [Boy], I wonder what the others are!

Mettaton: It's not hard to tell if you just look at me.

Spamton: So, [Unchecked Narcissim] and a pair of [Oversized] biceps. That checks out.

Mettaton: You're half right. She didn't choose me for the narcissistic behavior, though.

Spamton: I mean, it's what any [Female Of Noble Descent] wants, isn't it? Just a guy who can look good [Defending] her.

Mettaton: Sort of. Uniqua, however, is an exception. I know she can handle herself. If anything, she's the one defending me. I don't have any problem with it actually.

Spamton: Wait, you're okay with defying [Gender Roles]?

Mettaton: Exactly, it's a new age for women, Spamton. They aren't held back by corsets, gender norms, and anti-suffrage laws and Uniqua intends to live the best life she can. Why should I stop her when I can help her build up a good future?

Spamton: Well, it's great that you're both willing to be [Proactive]! Just I don't see how you're going to [Survive] the [Maze Of Death] you're planning to enter.

Mettaton: Listen, I'm going to ask her if she'll train me before the competition. There are specific qualifications I must meet if I'm going to at least make the top three.

Spamton: Why [Top Three]? Why not [Top 5] or [Top 10]?

Mettaton: That's another quality she looks for. You need to have ambition, Spam. Uniqua is the warrior queen and she needs someone who can match that while providing that intriguing contrast that helps her stand out.

Spamton: So, that's how you're [Planning] to go about this? Ask her to [Train] you and try to come out [On Top]?

Mettaton: That's putting it lightly as if I'm not interested in her. I'm not in it for money and fame this time. I'm planning to win something far more valuable. Also, I need to prove Hoth wrong somehow.

Spamton: Well, [Best Of Luck]! I hear Uniqua is a real [Nightmare] in battle!

Mettaton: I won't need it. I know how to get her to lower her guard.

*Later that evening...*

Uniqua: And then I said "Move your flank, Mettaton! Nobody wants to see that!" He moved immediately off to the side before he got run over and I was able to ram him over the edge. That was it.

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