Mushroom Kingdom! FT. Mario, Peach, Mettaton, and Luigi

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*Outside Peach's castle, a warp pipe randomly appeared as a paratroopa flew out. The paratroopa had landed on one of the balconies before pulling a scroll out of its satchel and placing it down. He quickly knocked on the window and flew away, hoping no one had seen him. Not long after, Princess Peach had opened the doors to the balcony and found the scroll. Upon closer inspection, she realized the message wasn't for anyone from the Mushroom Kingdom and sought out Professor E. Gadd. She knew he had some gadget or machinery that would help find whoever the message was supposed to reach.*

*The next day, there was a knock at the castle doors. A pair of plumber brothers had arrived with a small group of visitors from another world.*

Mario: Hello! It's-a me, Mario!

Luigi: And-a Luigi, too!

Mario: We would like to welcome our guests to the Mushroom Kingdom!

Peach: Yes, we humbly thank you for coming so quickly and are glad to answer any questions the fanbase has.

Hoth: It's no problem, guys! Uni was planning on coming here soon anyway. We thought we'd take a vacation while we're here answering questions.

Mettaton: Speaking of Uni, where is she at the moment?

Digger: Earlier, she told me she'd be busy somewhere in Mobious or Station Square for a few hours. That's why she wasn't at the manor when we left.

Mettaton: I guess I'll wait to tell her about my Princess Peach cosplay then.

Hoth: In the meantime, let's see the scroll Peach received.

Peach: Oh, of course! You may have a look.

Peach: Someone named oriental-beast had sent this

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Peach: Someone named oriental-beast had sent this.

Hoth: We know that guy. He's asked us plenty of questions before.

Mettaton: Hopefully, Uniqua can get here soon so she can answer her questions.

*The sound of an interdimensional rift opening is heard.*

Mario: What was that?

Luigi: Oh, I hope it isn't the beginning of the apocalypse!

*A brightly colored blur crashes through the window.*

Uniqua: That was awesome!

Mettaton: Why are you doing insane stunts through windows? What were you even doing?

Uniqua: I was just helping a friend outrun some crazy semi truck. It was wicked! Y'all should've seen it!

Mettaton: What was a semi truck doing chasing you two?

Uniqua: You haven't heard of G.U.N.?

Mettaton: Nevermind, I remember that truck.

*A truck horn blows in the background.*

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