Uniqua's Anniversary Gift

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*A pair of young mystics were in the living room of their mansion, decorating a massive tree for the holidays.*

Hothead: So, are you gonna keep the mistletoe out of the house again?

Uniqua: I always do, bro. What kind of person would hang one up if romance isn't part of who they are?

Hothead: Good luck keeping Mettaton in check then. You know he'll find a way to sneak one in.

Uniqua: Dude, I am armed with many blades, pepper spray, small weapons, a high level of magic, and steel-toe combat style chunky heels. That does not include the giant candy cane I carry around until the holiday passes.

Hothead: Wait, you still have it? It's been 4 or 5 years and you still haven't gotten rid of that prop?

Uniqua: Yeah, I still have a few uses for it.

Hothead: Remember to aim low if you're gonna nail him with it. Once he's hunched over, start hitting him over the head.

Uniqua: I love how you're not preventing me from acting like a gremlin and encourage it instead.

Hothead: Anything to keep him from getting out of hand this year. We're not losing another tree.

Uniqua: I will make him surrender his kneecaps and shins in order to grow taller.

Hothead: Release your rage, sis. Unleash your inner gremlin.

Uniqua: You wanna go drop Mentos in some soda in the backyard later?

Hothead: Isn't it supposed to get colder?

Uniqua: Yeah, I think we can manage, though!

Hothead: I'm in!

*There is soon a knock at the door and Uniqua goes to answer it. Her friends were all standing on the front porch and entered once the door was open.*

Hoth: Happy holidays, guys!

Pixelle: We heard you needed assistance and decided to come aid you.

Hothead: That's great! Uni always says we need more tall people to come over and help hang lights outside.

Mettaton: Oh, she doesn't want her wings getting cold, does she? I'm available for cuddles whenever she needs them.

Uniqua: That's not it. I literally can't fly when I have that many layers. I even fold up my wings and cover those, too.

Digger: What about your magic? You can just use that to put up lights.

Uniqua: Okay, you're just calling me out now, Diggs.

Hoth: I had a feeling you just wanted him to do it!

Uniqua: You better not say anything about this in public, Hoth. I will yeet you into next week.

Hoth: Only if you leave the dessert table intact this year.

Uniqua: No promises!

Hothead: Yeah, she's a gremlin now.

Hoth: Well, I guess I'll just go see what you have in your journals.

Uniqua: Joke's on you because only I can open my safe! I know the code to unlock it and you'll never find the spare key!

Spamton: 4163 is the code. Don't tell anyone I-

*Uniqua yeets Spamton out the window.*

Pixelle: How does he know?

Uniqua: I don't know. I just hope he didn't take anything.

Hothead: I probably shouldn't tell you he actually got away with some stuff from it.

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