Princess Con! Pt. 2 (Ep. 32)

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*Formal night continued as most everyone made their way to the ballroom floor. Uniqua chose to sit it out near her throne instead. Napstablook was at his DJ booth on the platform getting the next portion of his set ready.*

Lioness: Hey, why aren't you out there? You realize you can join them, right?

Uniqua: I don't do ballroom dancing, Ma. I just don't necessarily like it. I'm fine hanging out here.

Lioness: I thought you'd want to go with Mettaton.

Uniqua: I'm still debating on that.

Lioness: Well, be quick because Pixelle might beat you to it.

Uniqua: Alright, I'll go! I'll go ask him! Jeez, I can never catch a break.

*Uniqua then walks away from her throne to find Mettaton who was talking with his cousin at the DJ booth.*

Mettaton: And that's how I managed to get a date with Uniqua.

Napstablook: Wow... Good for you, Metta... That's very nice...

Uniqua: Y-Yo, homie. I... I wanna ask you something, dude.

Mettaton: Yes, my love? What is it?

Uniqua: I-I was just wondering i-if you... Uh, maybe wanted to dance. I-It's fine if you don't, man. Really, it is. I could always head back over to the throne and chill there-

Mettaton: I'd love to, dear!

Uniqua: I-I wasn't expecting you to answer so fast.

Mettaton: Darling, I was actually waiting for you to ask me that for some time now. I'm quite glad you did.

Uniqua: Okay, l-let's stay away from large groups. Y-You know how I feel about this whole thing, dude. I don't want a lot of peeps knowing about-

Pixelle: Knowing about what? What secrets would you want to keep hidden?

Uniqua: Shut up before I put a muzzle on you and chain you up outside.

Mettaton: That's not very humane-

Uniqua: At least it's better than just shooting her, bro. You know I can't bring myself to hurt animals.

Mettaton: I always knew your heart was in the right place.

Pixelle: I don't even know what's going on here.

Mettaton: Is it that hard to tell? We're together.

Pixelle: Why would you ever want someone as unlady-like and no class as her?

Uniqua: What?!

Pixelle: I'm just saying you could've gone with a traditional regal ball instead of going backwoods chique. It's not fitting for a royal event.

Uniqua: And wear stuffy gowns all weekend? That's not how I roll. I just want everyone to feel welcome here and relax with some soul food. There's nothing wrong with that.

Pixelle: What about how sloppy you are? You're just not fit to be royalty.

Mettaton: Now, that's enough! Uniqua is wonderful just the way she is. I love her and wouldn't trade her for anything!

Uniqua: Outta the way, mutt. We need to get away from you before you do or say anything else to trigger us.

Mettaton: Let's just go dance, dear. She isn't that important. Maybe we can cuddle later.

Uniqua: T-That would be nice.

Napstablook: Awwww...! That was sweet of him... He loves her so much... I'm so happy for the both of them...

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