Who's Stronger & Lounge Wear FT. Frisk & Mettaton

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Hoth: Hey, Wattpad! Hoth here! We have a couple questions this time and-

Mettaton: HELLO, WATTPAD! I have been called here by Princess Uniqua to answer a few questions. Now, I would normally be the one asking but, you've all been aching to have yours answered as well.

Hoth: Who invited this freak?

Uniqua: I don't think I emailed him one. Also, I didn't let him in. He actually busted down MY door for the 36TH TIME! Do you even know how much insurance costs, man?!

Mettaton: Are you sure you never sent me an invite to this Q&A? I know I saw an email from you in my inbox.

Uniqua: Ya sure that wasn't accidentally forwarded to you and your inbox swamped with fanmail from other young teenage girls who call you a heartthrob?

Mettaton: Yes, you also did want to discuss a different kind of meeting since I had noticed some changes between the emails you sent to everyone else and the one I received.

Uniqua: And this ain't the time or even the place to talk about that.

Hoth: Yeah, it really isn't. Can we answer the questions now?

Uniqua: Sure!

Digger: This should be an interesting episode!

Uniqua: Hoth, Digger, no killing or disassembling Mettaton. You may not shut him down either.

Digger: No guarantees, Uni. No guarantees. I do not trust machines.

Hoth: That also means I can't rewire or reprogram anything, right?

Uniqua: Unless it is necessary.

Hoth: Okay.

Frisk: Alright, I'm pulling up our first question now. oriental-beast asks:

Digger: Wait, sponsoring a course? In technology? What the heck am I gonna need that for?

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Digger: Wait, sponsoring a course? In technology? What the heck am I gonna need that for?

Uniqua: We'll be able to sign you up for something like that. As for his question, I'm gonna have to say you're the strongest at least in physical strength.

Hoth: I agree. But I think I might be a close second.

Uniqua: Yeah right! You're a pale twig.

Hoth: Please tell me I am in the top five.

Uniqua: You're not.

Frisk: Hoth, you might be the brains of the group. But in terms of a balanced team from Sonic Heroes or Team Sonic Racing, you are always the flight or technique type whereas Uniqua is speed and Digger is power.

Hoth: I know where I stand, Frisk. I'm probably the one with the most intellect besides Alphys.

Mettaton: Of course, and Digger is up with Undyne since they're both strong.

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