Happy Birthday, Hothead!

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Mettaton: Tell me why I have to buy toy guns, foam darts, and tactical gear again.

Uniqua: It's Hothead's birthday. We're trying to make it epic. You're gonna load yourself up with Nerf gear and make sure you nail him when he walks in. We're planning a surprise attack.

Mettaton: He's turning 15. Do you really think he still wants to engage in a small gun fight for fun? Most teenage boys opt for digital violence and combat.

Uniqua: I have lived with him since he was born. I have also seen him expand his Nerf arsenal. Trust me, he's still into Nerf wars.

Mettaton: Fine, I'll get some gear to bring. Now, what about gifts?

Uniqua: Video games, Pokémon cards, Transformers action figures, or something Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles related. Or just more nerd stuff or Legos.

Mettaton: I can look for those as well. What are you planning to get him?

Uniqua: You know how I kept telling him he would never be able to join the royal guard? I finally decided to have a unique weapon made for him. He's old enough to learn and I'm willing to train him.

*Uniqua pulls out a box and opens it. Inside, was a multipurpose tool of some sort.*

Uniqua: It's an axe, a flail, and a mace all in one. He'll be able to wreck some dudes with this thing.

Mettaton: Are you sure he's ready for it?

Uniqua: I first picked up a blade when I was a filly. I was seven and I still busted my flank to learn how to use it. He's ready to receive his own weapon, Mett. Besides, you aren't his dad. You don't get to pick when he should get something like this. He's been waiting long enough and I'm gonna be the cool, big sister and get him this.

Mettaton: Your family is pure insanity.

Uniqua: It's in our blood!

*January 27th...*

Lioness: Alright, put all the gifts on the folding table. Please make sure they're appropriate!

Uniqua: I'll check them, Ma. If anyone tries to lie about them, I'll sniff them out.

Lioness: Thank you, Uniqua.

Mettaton: Do you have any room in your fridge for the cake?

Uniqua: Not the one in the kitchen. The one in the garage does.

Lioness: I don't want it in the garage, though. I'll help clear some food out for it.

*Lioness heads into the kitchen to move things from one fridge to the other. Uni checks each gift people bring before allowing them on the table.*

Spamton: Do you think he'll like the [Present Day] I got him?

Digger: You just made a cheap Transformers knock-off with old cans.

Uniqua: Err... W-We'll see what he thinks of it. I doubt he'd like it but, I'm not entirely sure. We can only hope he does just for the day.

Spamton: [Good News!] to hear!

Hoth: Hey guys, I just saw Hothead and Sans by the front gate. It's time to make sure everything is in place and hide.

Uniqua: I'll go get my guns. I wanna scare him when he walks in.

*Uniqua teleports up to her room to grab her gear while everyone else starts hiding. Sans and Hothead approach the front doors of the mansion and enter.*

Hothead: Hey, you said they'd be here, right?

Sans: sure did.

Hothead: Where are they? I don't see anyone.

Sans: give them a minute. you will soon.

Hothead: Dude, I'm serious. If you only took me to the arcade to keep me from getting abducted from my home, you did a good job.

Sans: no one was abducted. just wait a little longer. they should be here soon.

Hothead: Are you sure?

*Everyone jumps out and starts firing darts at Hothead.*


Hothead: WHAT THE-?!

Lioness: Nailed it!

Sans: told ya.

Hothead: W-What was that about?! Guys?!

Lioness: Happy Birthday, Hothead!

Hothead: Wait, you had this planned?! A surprise attack?!

Uniqua: Yeah, we wanted to properly welcome you back on your birthday.

*In the background Hoth, Mettaton, and Spamton can be seen fiddling with their Nerf guns. They had gotten jammed in the attack.*

Spamton: How do you [Work It] this again?

Hoth: Is it locked? It shouldn't be locked after reattaching the magazine.

*Spamton fires a dart and it hits Mettaton's junk... *


Spamton: Hey, don't [Old Yeller] at me! I had to [Test] it somehow!

Hoth: And the chances of successful reproduction continue to drop...

*Hothead and Uniqua try to hold in their laughter... But they fail.*

Uniqua: I'm sorry but, that was just hilarious, bro.

Hothead: I seriously need to stop laughing. I'm starting to get teary-eyed here.

Uniqua: Dude, I'm freaking snort-laughing and running out of oxygen.

Mettaton: I knew choosing her was a bad idea.

Hoth: Wait, what?

Lioness: Anyway, the party can start mow. Go grab your gear, Hothead! The battle is about to begin!

Hothead: Cool, I always wanted to shoot Mettaton! Now, I have an excuse to do it!

*The rest of the party went well. Mettaton continued to be a target for Hothead, Spamton, and Hoth. Even Uni joined them with one of her drum guns. No one jumped out of the cake when it was time to cut it since it wasn't big enough for anyone to hide inside. Hothead also enjoyed every gift he received... Except Spamton's cheap can Trasnformers knock-off. It was still a chaotic Nerf birthday for the young dragon.*

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