Uniqua & Mettaton Explore Minecraft PT. 4

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*After taking the day to rest at Juniper Beach and the Savanah village, Uniqua and Mettaton had crossed the vast ocean ahead and soon reached land. They traveled through a Mangrove Swamp run by witches, a Dark Forest protected by Illagers, and encountered the people of the Mountain Hawk Village in the Taiga. After passing through Mountain Hawk Village, the duo came upon tall, snow-covered mountains.*

Mettaton: Are we almost there?

Uniqua: Yep!

Mettaton: But, darling, those are mountains!

Uniqua: The Cherry Grove isn't far. We just have to climb these mountains and cross over them. It's right on the other side.

Mettaton: We've been walking for hours on end! Are you sure we're even heading in the right direction?

Uniqua: Hey, Hothead's maps are never wrong. You should've thought about this before volunteering to come with.

Mettaton: I wasn't expecting it to take this long! I thought it would only be a couple of days!

Uniqua: When you're going by foot, it can take longer because there's always a high chance you're gonna run into some trouble or a nice tourist location. But that's only true about long expeditions to unexplored areas. Or even ones you've already visited.

Mettaton: Look, are we going to debate this any longer or are we going to see the Cherry Grove?

Uniqua: That's up to you. You can turn back now but, I'm still going on ahead. I'm not going back empty-handed. Keep in mind, you're gonna be out there on your own for a while with limited supplies and defense. You'll also have no map to guide you home so, choose wisely, homie.

Mettaton: Fine! Let's just get this over with.

*Mettaton starts making his way into the snow. He unfortunately falls through the powdered snow on the ground.*

Mettaton: Uniqua! Get me out! It's freezing!

Uniqua: That's because you went in without the proper footwear.

*Uniqua helps dig him out and hands him a pair of leather boots.*

Uniqua: Trust me, you're gonna want those.

Mettaton: It's leather. I'm not ruining these!

Uniqua: You wanna fall back down this mountain and freeze your flank off?

Mettaton: ... No...

Uniqua: Put'em on.

*Mettaton reluctantly puts on the dull leather boots.*

Uniqua: There's some dye and armor trim templates back at my place. We can repair those and style them when we get back.

Mettaton: Wait, you'll let me keep these?

Uniqua: Yeah, it's the least I can do since you kinda helped me out back at that Savanah village.

Mettaton: I knew you had a soft spot for me.

Uniqua: Don't let your ego inflate because I will pop it. Now, let's move before it gets dark again.

*The two carefully make their way up the mountains and eventually have to wear full suits of leather armor to stay warm. Not long after, a storm had rolled in, bringing fresh snow to the peaks.*

Uniqua: Be careful, Mett. These winds are very strong and the slopes are really slick. We can easily fall if we hit ice and it's a long way down. Not even the powdered snow will be able to save us.

Mettaton: Visibility is decreasing fast, dear! We should take shelter quickly! Who knows how long the blizzard will last.

Uniqua: If we move as one unit, we should be able to hide in a cave for now. Hopefully, this storm passes soon.

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