A Unicorn's Courage Pt. 2

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Mettaton: Are you sure there aren't any other reasons why you're here? And what were you chasing after?

*Uniqua watches the wind blow her note cards out of reach.*

Uniqua: It's nothing, man! Nothing's wrong! It's all good here!

Mettaton: Well, you're more than welcome inside, dear. I heard the winds will pick up tonight and we can't have them blow you out of town.

Uniqua: Yeah, I kinda forgot my weights at home so I got nothing to keep my hooves on the ground.

*Mettaton steps aside as Uniqua enters.*

Uniqua: S-So... Uh, what's good, homie?

Mettaton: I'd like to ask you the same thing. You seem a little jittery.

Uniqua: Jittery? Pfft, I am known for my unwavering courage. Almost nothing can scare me, remember?

Mettaton: You run from baby moths and caterpillars. I thought you were a friend to all creatures.

Uniqua: Th-Those are the only exceptions along with some ocean dwellers.

Mettaton: That means it really isn't unwavering courage.

Uniqua: So? That's not on a battlefield.

Mettaton: I get the feeling that fear really became an issue after Sans and Alphys hid a Halloween decoration in your pantry and you had nightmares about being chased a gang of poodle moths.

Uniqua: Do not mention that again!

Mettaton: I'm afraid I can't. It was one of the only times you hid behind me.

Uniqua: Wait, what? I don't remember doing that.

Mettaton: But you did.

Uniqua: Look, I needed that distance between me and that decoration. I thought it was an actual moth that wanted to eat me. I wasn't gonna put my life on the line like that.

Mettaton: Did you? It wasn't real, Uni.

Uniqua: ... Oh...

Mettaton: I still thought it was cute, though.

Uniqua: Shut up, bro. I was never cute and I never will be cute.

Mettaton: I believe you are. You can continue to claim you're not but, I know it's there. You do have an adorable side.

Uniqua: W-Well, you're wrong! I don't have that!

Mettaton: Are you sure? Do you really believe that?

Uniqua: I... I'm not entirely sure, dude.

Mettaton: Sit down and tell me, darling. I can tell there's something you've been holding in.

Uniqua: I-Its not easy to explain. Y-You know how I feel m-more comfortable around you and how I k-kinda go to you for advice sometimes? O-Or how I prefer hanging out w-with you over Hoth?

Mettaton: Yes, I hear you.

Uniqua: I-I...

*Uniqua wraps her wings around herself and tries to hide her face. She then speaks in a quiet voice.*

Uniqua: I-I actually like you. I like how I feel around you. You make me feel braver than I am but, I still feel very scared at the same time because I never thought you'd wanna hang out with someone as weird as me. I also don't wanna end up hurt in the end because I know it just might be the end of me. I already suffered enough and I don't want to go out like that.

Mettaton: ... That's why you weren't able to tell me sooner?

Uniqua: I'm a flawed ruler, Mett. All my life, I have fought myself to control my darkness. Everything I've been through has nearly killed me. If I let my fear win and I suffer any more pain, I'm gone. Protecting my people comes with a lot of struggles and I don't know how long I'll be able to put up with it.

*Mettaton hugs her tightly.*

Mettaton: You don't have to walk through it alone. I'll be here. Stop striving for perfection because it'll only bring you closer to the end. I can't let you do that to yourself.

Uniqua: So... You don't think I'm weird?

Mettaton: Of course not! It's better to be flawed and different. Why fit in with the crowd?

Uniqua: You don't think I'm some kinda nerd or dork?

Mettaton: Even if I did, it wouldn't matter. You would be my adorable, little dork.

Uniqua: You really think that?

Mettaton: Why would I ever think otherwise?

Uniqua: This makes me feel a bit better about it.

Mettaton: I'm glad, darling. Now, would you like to go out sometime? I was thinking we could go to this really amazing water park over the weekend.

Uniqua: I don't mind. I'd like to go check it out.

Mettaton: We could bring friends and family if anyone else wants to come.

Uniqua: I'll ask around and see who does.

*At the top of the stairs stood Alphys, Shyren, and Napstablook. The three of them saw the scene play out.*

Alphys: I knew they'd get together soon, guys! Look!

Napstablook: I'm so happy for them...!

Shyren: They really were made for each other.

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