Princess Con! PT. 3 (Ep. 33)

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Pixelle: So, you're telling me you're not interested?

Mettaton: How many times must I even say it?

Uniqua: Dude, I told you to call me if things got this bad. I know how to handle these situations.

Mettaton: Please do, dear. I enjoy watching you destroy people who stand in your path.

Uniqua: So, how should I do this? Should I be soft or go hard on her?

Mettaton: I say go with whatever seems fit.

Uniqua: Hard mode it is then!

Pixelle: Wait, what is hard mode?

Uniqua: You're about to find out.

Pixelle: Wait! I am not attempting to steal him-

Uniqua: Mett, hold my gloves. This will get ugly.

Mettaton: As you wish, my love.

Uniqua: I hope you're ready to get sent back to digital Jesus!

Hoth: No fighting, guys! Let's not cause a scene here!

Uniqua: Dude, I have to! Mettaton can't defend his own honor!

Mettaton: I'm actually quite capable of defending myself, dear-

Uniqua: He's lying! He's just saying that to make you believe he's cool and macho!

Hoth: How? He looks like a body builder.

Uniqua: He loses his shtick when a speck of mud gets on his boot.

Mettaton: I'm not that bad!

Uniqua: You are! Remember when we went camping and got lost?

Mettaton: I'm not as afraid of dirt as I once was.

Uniqua: Really? Bet you can't see the stains on those loafers.


Uniqua: See?

Hoth: Anyway, please don't fight, guys! You have an image you need to maintain right now, Uni. You can't risk ruining that!

Uniqua: Dude, they'll understand. They know I sometimes have to defend myself or another person.

Hoth: What about when there's no real threat?

Uniqua: No real threat? Pixelle is over here trying to get with Mettaton and I'm not okay with that!

Hoth: No, she isn't!

Uniqua: She is! I see it in her eyes! It's there and I'm not gonna stand for it!

Mettaton: You really don't have to do this, dear-

Uniqua: I do, bro. I want what's best for you and staying away from Pixelle is what's best. I know she's plotting to take you. Not gonna happen while I'm around.

Mettaton: I mean, I can't say I don't appreciate it. I actually do, don't get me wrong, darling. But maybe you're taking it too far?

Uniqua: What do you mean?

Mettaton: I'm saying you could be less forceful and maybe try calmly setting boundaries.

Uniqua: Bro... I'm gonna say this once and I want you to be able to hear it over your loud ego.

Frisk: This is it, guys! She's actually gonna say it!


Frisk: Not what I was expecting...

Uniqua: What? You thought I was gonna say "I love you?"

Frisk: Unfortunately, yes...

Mettaton: I was hoping for it as well... How can you do this to me?

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