The Unicorn's Challenge PT. 4 (Ep. 40)

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Uniqua had managed to find the chocolate fountain and started drizzling and dipping sweets in the chocolate. She only hoped she wouldn't be caught using large amounts of chocolate.*

Mettaton: So, you finally found it, have you?

Uniqua: Yeah- Wait! Don't tell anyone I'm double-dipping. I heard those who double-dip are the craziest at parties. I don't wanna look too primal.

Mettaton: If anyone is primal, it would have to be your brother. He literally eats a whole pizza with his bare hands. He doesn't even slice it either!

Uniqua: Yeah, he's like that. There are three types of people in this world. Those who slice the pizza and use forks, those who slice it and use their hands, and then there's Hothead.

Mettaton: He's the most insane mystic I've met.

Uniqua: Wha-? I thought I was the most insane mystic you met.

Mettaton: You actually have more class than him. I know that sounds hard to believe.

Uniqua: Dude, I run through fire, carry a large blade, and talk big while coming up with a million and one ways to end my father daily. How is that classy and not totally wack?

Mettaton: Fine, you're the second most insane mystic I've met. Maybe even the third most insane since your mother is quite protective still.

Uniqua: In a pride of lions, the females are the hunters. The men just stand on tall rocks with their manes flowing in the wind. They look like you when you pretend to save me from some danger I can easily deal with.

Mettaton: That's just cold, darling.

Uniqua: I didn't earn the nickname "Stone Warrior" by being cute and cuddly.

Mettaton: Since I managed to defeat you in the arena battle, will you be handing out prizes soon?

Uniqua: I kinda forgot to mention this before but, there is one more challenge you have to survive.

Mettaton: What? There's one more?!

Uniqua: It's just to test Father. He was never a dad so he doesn't know me that well.

Mettaton: Ah, I see! Will it be dangerous?

Uniqua: Yeah, it'll be worse than your gameshows.

Mettaton: I'm glad I don't have to take part in that.

Uniqua: Oh, you and Hoth also get to compete.

Mettaton: WHAT?!

Uniqua: Yeah, I think you guys did well enough in the arena. Might as well see how well you know me.

Mettaton: H-How dangerous will it be?

Uniqua: Well, there's slime involved-


Uniqua: Only if you guess wrong, though. There's gonna be a wheel that determines what you have to endure if you guess the wrong answer. You're only gonna get three strikes and you get dropped down a water slide once you get three wrong answers.

Mettaton: This definitely sounds bad now. I thought you would never dump slime on me, though.

Uniqua: I never said that. If I can get away with hiding a thing of ketchup in a cupboard as a prank, I sure as hay can dump a bucket of slime on you.

Mettaton: We're done.

Uniqua: That's what happens when you hang out with someone who's both a millennial and gen Z that has seen way too much Impractical Jokers.

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