Eggman and Bowser VS. Uniton Fanart (Ep. 16.5)

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Bowser: Okay, you have the internet pulled up, right?

Dr. Eggman: Yes, I have found Rosie's social media and I must say it isn't as bad as I'd originally thought.

Bowser: Are you sure it's not as bad? The last time you saw her art, you shut off your monitor.

Dr. Eggman: It wasn't- Well, it was only the work I was looking at. It was uh... Rather interesting? Would that be a good way to describe it? Besides it wasn't even her art exactly. That one must've been from DeviantArt.

Bowser: DeviantArt? What's that?

Dr. Eggman: I'll show you later. For now, let's have a look at Rosie's fanart.

*Eggman pulls up an image of Uniqua and Mettaton cuddling. So far the villains are seeing safe art.*

Bowser: Okay, this isn't that bad. This is more on the cute side, though.

Dr. Eggman: All ship fanart is supposed to be mostly cute. There are unfortunately images that aren't as cute or fluffy. The same can be said about fanfiction. Some of it is fluffy and some is NSFW or what some call lemony.

Bowser: It sounds like you've been to the internet before.

Dr. Eggman: I have. Sonic has gone there as well. Despite the odd fanwork, it wasn't too bad.

Bowser: Alright, let's move on. What else does Rosie have?

*Eggman scrolls through Rosie's social media and finds an image of Mettaton blabbering about some fantasy where Uniqua saves him to Uniqua who just looks done with it.*

Bowser: Oh, this one's titled "Thinking Outloud."

Dr. Eggman: This actually reminds me a lot of Sonic and Amy's relationship.

Bowser: *in high pitched voice* Oh no! Sonic, won't you save me from those evil robots?

Dr. Eggman: How accurate. Though, I don't think the princess has that kind of strength. She said it herself. He's quite heavy.

Bowser: You said she had plenty of magic. She can just use that, right?

Dr. Eggman: Well, she could. But would she even consider it? She's like Sonic. She'd try to avoid giving people the wrong idea about her relationship with Mettaton.

Bowser: Right...

*As Eggman scrolls to find another artwork, Uniqua and Mettaton watch from outside.*

Uniqua: Why are they looking at that?! That is what started the #UniIsBaby trend!

Mettaton: I actually started it. All I did was post a cute picture of you asleep on my che-

Uniqua: You did what?! I told you not to do shtick like that!

Mettaton: You can't blame me for showing the world how adorable you are.

Uniqua: Uh, I can and I will! I'll revive the #UniIsBoss trend and make sure #UniIsBaby is finished.

*Eggman finds an image of Uni and Mettaton on Valentine's Day. They are doing entirely different things.*

Bowser: Ha, she's probably ignoring the fact all the guys are simping!

Dr. Eggman: She actually seems aware of it. She's just not interested.

Bowser: She's in it for the candy.

Dr. Eggman: I suppose she might even be ready to destroy them if they try anything.

Bowser: Yeah, what about him?

Dr. Eggman: He might be planning something special for the two of them.

*Eggman finds another Uniton fanart. It's a meme with Marine the Raccoon flying towards them with her Cootie Stick.*

Dr. Eggman: Oh, I remember when these memes were popular!

Bowser: What?

Dr. Eggman: Yeah, Marine has this stick she uses on couples. She calls it Steve the Cootie Stick. There was a whole meme dump on the SonicSong182 Discord where everyone just made a bunch of Marine memes and uploaded them.

Bowser: And she brutally attacks people with it?

Dr. Eggman: Only the couples. Sometimes she even attacks random people which is quite rude I must say.

Bowser: Peach and I better look out for her then.

Dr. Eggman: You still think she actually wants you? She seems more interested in that short plumber.

Uniqua: Okay, you two need to quit looking at this junk! Having it be part of the Q&A series is only wrecking my reputation!

Bowser: I didn't know you felt so strongly about it.

Dr. Eggman: Either way, you're still here to witness our greatest search. DeviantArt!

Uniqua: No, don't go to that place! It's a cruel place where characters get ruined!

Dr. Eggman: Well, Tumblr has a bit of a sketchy reputation. This is our only option.

*Eggman brings up DeviantArt and searches up Uniton fanart. He then finds an image that wasn't so fluffy.*

Dr. Eggman: What have I just done?

Bowser: That is sick! Why do people draw you guys in situations like this?

Uniqua: I warned y'all about this! I'm not supposed to see this stuff! I'm just gonna go so I don't have to see his junk.

Mettaton: I think that's enough fanart for today.

*Eggman pulls up a different image. This time it's actually fluffy because it contained a Grumpy Cat.*

Mettaton: Awwww! Look at how cute she is!

Uniqua: God, why is this here? This ain't right. I'm not gonna let people look at this anymore. I'm throwing out those cat ears.

Bowser: I didn't know she could turn into a cat.

Dr. Eggman: Huh, I wasn't expecting to see this. Is this another ability you have?

Uniqua: Don't ask. It's way too embarrassing.

Dr. Eggman: We'll, I think that's all we can do for today. If you'd like to see us do more episodes like this, please don't be afraid to let us know.

Uniqua: No Uniton stuff, though! We're not having that again!

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