Terios Attacks! (Ep. 27)

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Frisk: Ah, the holiday season. Perfect time to do a holiday special while we're still stuck in Minecraft, huh guys?

Toriel: It is somewhat odd but, we've made do. We've found countless mods and built this world up to replicate ours after beating the game. However, I can't help but wonder why they haven't released us yet.

Frisk: Yeah, they said they'd let us go if we defeated the Enderdragon. We've completed the game now so, what's taking them so long?

Mettaton: Exactly! I have no clue how many episodes I've missed! I already had a Christmas special planned and I was going to invite Uniqua on for it!

Frisk: Uh, like two friends having a decorating battle with way too much glitter or a romantic couple under the mistletoe? I know she'll only be up for the first one and maybe a candy cane duel.

Mettaton: Well, you never know if she'll agree to meeting me under the mistletoe. She might actually realize she needs me, Frisk!

Frisk: That's only in your dreams. Haven't you seen how she treats her suitors and Hoth? She brutally roasts them all but, she only yeets the suitors out.

Mettaton: I remember, darling. I'm not afraid to face her wrath.

Frisk: Last time she went off on you, you shrank within yourself and cowered down. It's perfectly okay to say you're afraid of that side of her, Metta. She'll understand and she will try to keep it under control.

Mettaton: Well, I guess you're right. But I can always try to win her over.

Toriel: You've been attempting to do that for quite some time. You've both had plenty of time to grow as people and you've become good friends already. Let's just wait until she feels she's ready.

Mettaton: Alright, I'll wait. Now, where should I hang the mistletoe?

Frisk: Wait, what?

Mettaton: What? You're not expecting anyone to meet you?

Frisk: No! No, I am not!

Mettaton: Alright, fine. I won't tease you about it. But I do have a feeling who it is.

Frisk: You know nothing!

*As Mettaton hangs the mistletoe in the best place to catch ships, Sonic, Mario, and their friends bring in some food and decorations to help set up for the holiday party.*

Mario: This place is really coming together.

Sonic: Yeah, I like how everything looks so far.

Mario: Sonic, look out! Mistletoe up ahead!

Sonic: Thanks for the heads up, Mario. I'll keep away from it.

Amy: What? Why, Sonic? It won't be that bad!

Sonic: I just wanna stay away for my own reasons, Amy.

Uniqua: WHAT'S UP, HOMIES! WHO'S READY TO GET THIS PARTY START- Woah! Nope! Staying away from that thing!

Sonic: No, you should definitely go that way.

Uniqua: Nah, I'm not ruining my reputation, bro. I'm staying single for as long as I live.

Frisk: That's gonna be forever.

Mettaton: Wait, she's immortal?

Uniqua: I'm a Boss Monster, dude. I can live for an eternity unless I get killed somehow.

Mettaton: Well, robots and ghosts can live forever, too.

Uniqua: Nah, robots rust and break down. Ghosts can live forever because they're already dead.

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