The Unicorn's Challenge! PT. 1 (Ep. 37)

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*People from all around came to the Mystic Manor for the big event. Bleachers were set up all around the property for spectators to watch. Everyone made their final adjustments before the games started.*

Amy: Hurry, Sonic! The competition's about to start!

Sonic: Hang on, Amy! I'm coming!

Knuckles: This is gonna be exciting!

Tails: I can't wait to see who wins!

Sonic: I'm betting Mettaton's gonna do all he can to win.

Amy: I hope he does! Him and Uni look so adorable together and they're just too perfect!

Shadow: The queen will be here soon. Let's grab our seats quick!

Rouge: I'm with Knuckles!

Knuckles: No, you're not!

Sonic: C'mon, how bad can she be?

Knuckles: She tries to steal my emerald and has been successful a few times.

Shadow: Speaking of that emerald, Omega's looking after it while we're out.

Knuckles: He better not let Rouge take it.

Tails: Guys, it's almost time! Mario and his friends just got here!

Mario: Hello!

Luigi: Don't mind us, guys!

Peach: We came to see how well the competitors do.

Rouge: It's a good thing you made it in before all the seats were taken.

Tails: If anyone does the UwU, I'm gonna put it on YouTube!

Sonic: No one is gonna UwU, Tails!

*One of the toughest mystic guards steps onto the field, ready to announce the arrival of the competitors and start the event.*

Mystic Guard: Ladies, gentlemen, non-binary friends, and everything in between! I would like to welcome you to the Unicorn's Challenge! This event will determine who is worthy of being Queen Uniqua's right hand man! There can only be one winner so each competitor must fight his hardest to reach the top! Let's meet the challengers as they all come to the battlefield!

*All the challengers then walked out onto the field in uniforms made specially for the challenge ahead. The mystic guard announced each name as they marched out. Then he announced the arrival of the queen. Uniqua then flew out wearing her armor to greet everyone who came.*

Hoth: This is it. This is what we've all been training for.

Mettaton: As if you even trained at all, Hoth.

Hoth: Shut up, Mettaton!

Mettaton: This isn't just about sheer strength, speed, agility, and wit. We will also need to be gentlemen.

Hoth: Like you can even be a gentleman.

Mettaton: Oh, I can do way more than be a gentleman. You may have known her longer but, you need to truly prove yourself to her in order to be with her.

Hoth: I'll just wait until you screw up your relationship. I have a foolproof plan to clean that up. It's pretty common in the royal family. Every time the people think their leaders are wise and good, things just go south and the rulers turn against them.

Mettaton: I highly doubt that would happen. Uniqua knows how to protect them and I wouldn't mind helping if she chooses me.

*Uniqua then approached the challengers and stood in front of them.*

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