Nonsensical November (Ep. 44)

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*Warning: This episode contains spoilers for The Amazing Digital Circus. Go watch the pilot episode before reading.*

Spamton: Huh? Just [5 For $5] questions?

Digger: Do you think I should call the others over? I see questions for them.

Spamton: You can. I only [Hope] she doesn't [Create Chaos] again.

Digger: I can't guarantee that. Uni lives her life the way she wants. I can try to talk her out of doing stupid things but, I won't always be successful. She's too much of a free spirit.

Spamton: Right... She has a [Tendency] to act like a [Wild Animal] or [Sugar Addict].

*Digger lifts the lid of the dumpster and pokes her head out.*

Digger: Guys! We just got a few more questions! If you wanna answer them, come meet up at our dumpster!

*Digger climbs back down inside the dumpster while her friends make their way over.*

Hoth: More questions? It hasn't even been two weeks since the last episode.

Pixelle: Kai has been running out of ideas lately, hasn't she? Maybe she had a few she wanted to put to use.

Mettaton: That seems likely. Hopefully, they don't involve Uniqua going crazy.

Uniqua: Look, I haven't eaten all the candy yet! I have been going slow on it this year! It's not like I'll still pull some insane stunt and break the fourth wall again. I'm working on not breaking the fourth wall, guys. Not everyone gets to see what happens behind the scenes.

Hoth: Well, things have been rather interesting behind the scenes lately. Uni, you have been busy when we're not doing these, right?

Uniqua: What? What do you mean? I only do crazy stunts for the peeps. If they don't see my genetically inherited madness, they won't believe I'm crazy.

Mettaton: I don't think that's what he meant, dear.

Uniqua: Wait, he wasn't talking about that? H-Has he been spying?! Did he see anything?! What does he mean?!

Hoth: It isn't wise to bring that up here. Kai still wants this to be clean and appropriate. But... I didn't see anything. I may or may not have heard it.

Uniqua: YOU WHAT?!

Mettaton: Hoth, you shouldn't invade like that!

Hoth: I was never invading! I'm just saying I was able to hear it. Pixelle was with me and... Well... It did make updates and repairs awkward.

Uniqua: *in the background* aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA-

Mettaton: A-And I thought that room was soundproof...

Digger: Anyway, we have questions to answer. "Have you guys heard of The Amazing Digital Circus? Who are your favorite members and are you able to visit?"

Mettaton: The Amazing Digital Circus?

Uniqua: She's talking about that new series she found on YT. I've seen it. It's pretty good.

Hoth: Yeah, it is kinda interesting.

Mettaton: I might have to check it out. It seems to be quite popular right now.

Uniqua: You won't regret watching the first episode, dude.

Hoth: Anyway, I think I'd have to go with Kinger. He's on the brink of going completely mad since he's been there the longest but, he's still holding onto whatever sanity he has for his wife. He already lost her to the madness of that world.

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