Training The New Guy (Ep. 26.5.)

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Orbot: His health seems to have improved greatly since we found him, sir. Shall we run some tests before we give him his mission?

Dr. Eggman: I suppose we should make sure he is strong enough to take them all. Let him out, Orbot. It's time to meet the newest member of the team.

Orbot: Yes, sir. I'll release him now.

*Orbot shuts down the containment chamber and opens it. A black hedgehog shakily steps out.*

Dr. Eggman: Welcome to the Eggman Empire, Terios. Well, "Unofficial" Eggman Empire. I still haven't crushed those meddling creatures yet so, progress has been a little delayed.

Terios: Creatures? Empire? Ugh, there are too many questions I haven't gotten answers to.

Dr. Eggman: And there are plenty of events I have to fill you in on that would provide ample information to explain why you are here. First of all, my name isn't really Eggman. That's just what I've been called since the late 90's. I'm actually a descendant of your original creator.

Terios: Professor Gerald Robotnik? You're one of his relatives?

Dr. Eggman: Yes, I am. The wise Dr. Ivo Robotnik. It was a shame what happened to Grandfather Gerald and my cousin Maria. But at least there isn't many Black Arms specimen around. Anyway, I've been searching for most of his projects and work that has survived being cast out into space or destroyed when the ARK went down. So far, success has been extremely limited. With Shadow and the Biolizard being found over 20 years ago, I haven't seen much of his other work.

Terios: Shadow and the Biolizard? I can vaguely remember them. They were Gerald's other experiments. He often referred to the three of us as brothers from what I can remember.

Dr. Eggman: Really? Brothers? I guess I can see why he'd call you that. He made all three of you using DNA of quite a few species around the same time.

Terios: If you need assistance in your search, I will offer my help.

Dr. Eggman: Excellent! That would be greatly appreciated, Terios! In return, I could help you gain your memories back. Of course, there is a catch.

Terios: What is it?

Dr. Eggman: You'll have to help take down Sonic, Mario, Frisk, and their friends. They have a rather large group so, I would be careful if I were you.

Terios: It's a deal, Doctor. I will help deal with those pests and aid in your quest and you'll help me get my memories.

Dr. Eggman: Alright, King Koopa, Lord Roach, and I have some sparring partners for you to train with. I'd suggest getting started with becoming stronger before you head out. And by "out" I mean in as in "inside a video game" because that's where they're all trapped right now.

Terios: So, you've managed to do most of the work for me? Impressive. I'll be sure to join that game for a fight later.

*Terios exits the room and begins looking for the sparring partners. He sets up several mirrors and other reflective surfaces around a small arena as his sparring partners enter.*

Motobug: Alright, the boss wants us to help train you. Do you have any powers or abilities we should know of before we begin?

Terios: Yes, I have some fuzzy memories of Professor Gerald saying something about interdimensional travel through mirrors and reflective surfaces. I believe I'm also fast but, I've been frozen and asleep for decades. I'm still moving slowly so I don't fall.

Crabmeat: Well, it's time you got some exercise. We will help you build up to your max speed and strength.

Terios: Excellent. But... Do the others speak? I'm just curious. I've never seen creatures like them before.

Buzz Bomber: They roachezzzz don't speak but, I think they have some form of communication between each other. Azzzz for the Koopazzzz and Goombazzzz, they do talk.

Terios: ...Understood.

*Terios then begins his training with help from Eggman's robots, the roaches, and Bowser's minions. His strength and speed increase and he showcases his abilities. By the time the training session ends, the badniks and EggPawns are in bad shape as well as the roaches Goombas, and Koopas.*

Crabmeat: That took longer than expected. You know you didn't have to extend it that long.

Terios: I only wanted to get the most out of it. Now, where can I find the game that holds our prisoners?

Buzz Bomber: It'zzzz just down stairzzzz. We keep it in the basement.

Terios: Thank you, I must join at once if I'm going to defeat them.

Motobug: Alright, goodluck!

*Terios exits the arena and heads to the basement. He finds the larger monitor and watches the crew build and craft items. He then sees a machine that will transfer the matter in his body into the game, powers it on, and stands still to allow it to take him in.*

(Stay tuned for the next episode! Will Terios be able to crush them or will he exit the game in defeat? We'll find out this December when your questions for the team get answered!)

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