The Unicorn's Challenge PT. 3 (Ep.39)

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*It was now time for the final event. All remaining competitors waited to enter the arena to fight Uniqua.*

Hoth: This is it. I can't believe I survived every athletic event to get here.

Mettaton: I still can't believe you didn't fall off that log earlier. I thought you would've lost your balance sooner.

Hoth: If I can get across frozen lakes safely without any equipment, I won't have problems rolling logs across one in the summer.

Cocker Roach: You two really think you'll be able to best me this time?

Hoth: Think? We know we can beat you! If there's one thing we both agree on, it's that we both need to keep you away from Uni. As her friends, that's what we have to do.

Mettaton: Don't even think about going anywhere near her or you'll have to deal with us! You're unfit to rule and raise children.

Cocker Roach: Don't be so harsh! She's already starting to trust me again!

Mettaton: Are you sure she's not allowing you to compete just to kill you in front of everyone? She always says she wants to end your reign in an arena.

Hoth: Besides, I highly doubt she'd trust someone like you again after everything you did. She doesn't want anything to do with you.

Cocker Roach: Well, that depends how you look at it.

Mettaton: And I see your past actions as crimes. Therefore, I vow to help defend against you and other criminals.

Hoth: Same here! Maybe not in the same way, though.

Mystic Guard #1: All competitors must now exit to the arena. Suit up and arm yourselves before leaving. You will now face off against the queen herself to prove your worth. Best of luck to all of you!

Hoth: Is it really time to go out there? I don't know if I'm ready!

Mettaton: Remember to try your best, Hoth. Though, I think you'll need more than luck to best me.

Hoth: Yeah, I know how to put down the mirror, unlike you. Besides, I don't think she wants metal biceps and glass abs on a guy.

Mettaton: Says the pale twig.

Hoth: Seriously?! Again with the pale twig thing!

Mettaton: What? You know she won't accept love songs from anime.

Hoth: She doesn't accept any love songs.

Mettaton: Well, I believe there are a few exceptions.

Hoth: Wait, what?!

*All competitors enter the arena wearing padded armor. The guards knew they'd be taking heavy hits today.*

Mettaton: Victory is just one battle away! I can already picture the ceremony that will be held in my honor! This arena will erupt with cheers! Everyone will be chanting my name and Uniqua will even grant me permission to sit with her at the banquet-

Hoth: You know she doesn't have any of that planned, right?

Mettaton: So, there won't be a banquet?

Hoth: Sorry, she just never planned one. There will be a ceremony, I believe.

Mettaton: Either way, she will say I'm husband material.

Hoth: I don't think she'll even think that.

*Once all competitors were inside the arena, mist began pouring in as one of the gates opened.*

Mettaton: What? Why is there mist here?

Hoth: I've been to plenty of her arena challenges before. This is just how she likes to enter.

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