(Ep. 12.5?) Giant Robots... Giant Robots Everywhere!

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Digger: So, run us through this again. How do we get inside Uni's mech?

Hoth: It's simple. We just have to send someone small enough to fit through the opening in the top of it.

Mettaton: What opening? I don't see any holes in that robot's head.

Hoth: It can become a tank by transforming itself. This isn't the only form it has.

Sonic: So, she's piloting a transformer?

Hoth: Not exactly. It can transform but, it doesn't have its own life force or Energon as they call it. It also has no soul so it's nothing like Optimus Prime or Mettaton.

Mettaton: But how will said person actually keep up with her?

Spamton: I know of a way that would allow me to [get in].

Hoth: Okay, let's hear it.

Spamton: I could use that [hunk of junk] from the basement of Queen's mansion.

Mettaton: What do you mean by that? Some of the things that come out of your mouth never make any sense.

Spamton: [A body], of course! If I use that [tool], I'd be able to fly at the same [speed] as that tank and fit in.

Hoth: Well, that body won't be able to fit, Spamton. If you fail to make it inside, there's a chance you'll get stuck in the treads or possibly run over. We can't risk it.

Mettaton: What if I flew him over to it and dropped him in?

Hoth: Do you really think you'll make it?

Mettaton: I'm sure I could keep up with the tank.

Hoth: Okay, you'll just have to avoid any attacks she uses. Your NEO form won't have any problem dodging them, right?

Mettaton: Not at all. This should be easy.

Hoth: The rest of us will help fend off any Badniks, EggPawns, koopas, and goombas. Best of luck, guys.

Spamton: We might not need luck. We can handle [this.]

*Mettaton switched to his NEO form and picked up Spamton.*

Mettaton: Just because I'm helping you get in doesn't mean we are friends now.

Spamton: That's [aight] with me! Now. Get. Me. In. That tank.

Sonic: So, you thought you could capture more innocent lives without us knowing. Looks like that didn't go so well, Eggface.

Dr. Eggman: How did you find out?! I thought Infinite had dealt with you and the rest of your friends in Green Hill!

Sonic: Yeah, he wasn't that strong so he kinda failed. Anyway, do you plan on releasing all those people soon? It will save you so much time and resources.

Dr. Eggman: That would completely ruin the plan and you know this! Why would I ever waste valuable resources?

Sonic: Honestly, they already get wasted when we start foiling your plans.

Mario: The same can be said about you, Bowser.

*As Mario and Sonic tried to stall Eggman and Bowser, Mettaton had almost caught up with the tank.*

Spamton: Okay, prepare to drop me. We're almost in place.

Mettaton: Alright, just be careful once you're in.

*Mettaton drops Spamton. Unfortunately, Spamton missed the opening.*

Mettaton: How can a man that small miss that opening?!

Spamton: *defies physics by clipping through the exterior of the tank* I'm in!

Uniqua: Huh? What do you think you're doing, man? I'm trying to save my people.

Spamton: [Warning: If you continue,] [You could end up paying millions of] [KROMER] [in property damage.]

Uniqua: I haven't destroyed much. Besides, I'm avoiding buildings anyway. Now, I'm 'bout to tear Eggturd a new one.

*The tank soon comes to a stop.*

Uniqua: Aight, it's time to blast these video game villains back their respective eras!

*The tank prepares to fire at Eggman and Bowser but, nothing comes out. It wasn't loaded or charged.*

Uniqua: Wait, why won't this work?

Hoth: It seems you can't use it in battle.

Uniqua: Why didn't you say something? You know the safety of Mystics and their allies is important!

Hoth: I was going to tell you but, you left before I could say anything.

Sonic: So, she can't use it?

Mario: It seems so. Now, let's deal with these villains.

Dr. Eggman: W-Wait, we can be reasonable!

Bowser: As if there's anything to be reasonable about! Listen, we came for volunteers. We aren't leaving until we have enough power.

Dr. Eggman: And we will find another way to do just that. I might have to make a few calls and speak with certain people in order to plan it out better.

Bowser: Who are you going to- Wait... I know who we can talk to.

Mario: We'll still beat you no matter what.

Sonic: Yeah, just try to come up with something without an obvious weak point.

Uniqua: Aight, I'm gonna get this thing back to the manor before it runs out of fuel. Nobody eat all the cheese curds! Or drink all the root beer! I'll back back!

Hoth: We were gonna pay the bill anyway. Why go back for more food?

Uniqua: I'll need the carbs, man. Remember, I can burn all that off quickly.

Hoth: Whatever. Let's just pay the bill. She'll probably get a few pizookies when she gets back.

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