Uniqua & Mettaton's First "Official" Date (Ep. 27.5)

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Mettaton: Alphys, Undyne, please be honest. Do you think this is too much or not good enough?

Alphys: I-I think it looks fine. I-I mean, it's not l-like Uni will be wearing a-anything fancy. It's already s-starting to get cold out.

Undyne: If anything, she'll probably look like a marshmallow. She really knows how to layer her clothes in the winter.

Mettaton: I can't believe that's the best advice you have. This is the queen of mystics I'm going out with! I must look my best!

Undyne: Alright, you want advice? I would say fix your collar. It's slightly off and your fly is down. I may hate you, dude, but I'm doing this to increase your chances of becoming king.

Mettaton: There is no way my- *looks down after adjusting his shirt collar* WHAT?!

Undyne: Don't show your junk yet. You might end up losing it.

Alphys: A-Also, try to avoid large crowds. I-I doubt she'd want t-the media to know.

Mettaton: Thanks for the tips, darlings! I should get going. I have a feeling she expects a punctual man.

*Meanwhile at Mystic Manor...*

Hoth: Are you sure you want to go through with this? What if he hits on another woman?

Uniqua: Why the flip would he do that on the first date, Hoth? Especially in front of the thuggish unicorn with a sword that weighs over half her weight?

Hoth: U-Uh, okay, I guess he wouldn't. But just what if he does at any point in the relationship?

Uniqua: If he should try anything, I'll hunt him and the new chic down until she realizes he's a major jerk who doesn't deserve love. Then, I'll end his career and his life!

Digger: She's got this under control, Hoth. Don't worry about her. She's taking some weapons with her and I think she might wear her armor.

Hoth: Will you wear your armor, Uni?

Uniqua: *steps out of her closet with her helmet, chestplate, and cape* Not the full set. This is just most of it.

Hoth: W-Why the helmet?

Uniqua: Do you really think I'll let the paparazzi snag any pics of us with my face showing?

Hoth: Uh... No?

Uniqua: I at least put a dress on and did my makeup. This helmet will only be on when we're in public.

Hoth: That's fair I guess. So, what time did he say he'd pick you up?

Uniqua: He said 7:30. He should be getting here any minute.

Lioness: *from downstairs* Uni, your boyfriend's here! You ready?

Uniqua: Shtick! I think I forgot to meditate!

Hoth: Okay, I know you're panicking. Just take a deep breath and calm yourself before walking down there.

*Uniqua takes a deep breath as she heads out of her room.*

Uniqua: I should be back by 10:30 or 11:00. Digger, you're in charge of defense while I'm out. And Hoth... Just try to be okay with this, man.

Hoth: Don't worry, I'll be fine! I'll keep myself busy instead of worrying about how well he treats you. I might help clean up the yard and start hanging lights.

Uniqua: Aight, cool. I gotta go.


Uniqua: RIGHT! Lemme just grab these real quick!

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