A Unicorn's Courage Pt. 1

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Lioness: So, I heard there would be some kind of rally being held in the park soon. They say it's for the LGBTQIA+ community, Uni.

Uniqua: Really? Are they including mystics this time? I don't like it when they call us furries because we're not.

Lioness: I heard that community is incredibly toxic. Good for you for telling them we're not part of it!

Uniqua: No, the furry community isn't full of weirdos. There are some furries who are disgusting and those are the ones you should never interact with. There are decent furries who aren't about that stuff. They're safer than the others actually and I still don't see why it's such a problem. Mystics aren't furries at all. We're just some evolved form of animal-human hybrid or something. I don't know what exactly we are but, our databases have a variety of different creation stories.

Lioness: I'll tell you what we are. We're all perfect individuals. Hardly anyone is flawed except for the dictators and tormentors we've had to deal with in our past.

Uniqua: Yeah, we still get hate because we look like humans who are slowly becoming furries and we lived with monsters for decades. We are a sub-species of monsters according to them and that is considered a major red flag among racists and hate groups.

Lioness: Those are two groups we aim to defeat, right?

Uniqua: They are because they have beef with so many other minorities. Mentally disabled people get slammed for using handicapped parking along with those who are still able to walk even though they have bad knees or a bad back. Then, we have people of color and foreigners being disrespected for a variety of reasons that are solely based on their country of origin or culture. The LGBTQIA+ community has its own struggles and women used to be unable to vote and perform jobs that were typically done by men. All of these are problems the humans have faced and they were resolved. Some still found loopholes and got around those new laws just to continue throwing hate.

Lioness: Frisk has ensured that wouldn't happen to us. You were there when we signed that bill and treaty, remember?

Uniqua: Bills and treaties still can have loopholes, Ma. Just because political leaders here signed them into law doesn't really mean we are fully protected from hate speech or hate crimes. Remember when I was picked on because I have wings, unnatural coat and hair colors, a horn, and a lot of magic?

Lioness: They don't bother you anymore, right?

Uniqua: They don't bother me because you burned Horacio's future in law school and his dad's doctorate. Literally. But their actions are a form of hate and you wouldn't allow it because I'm royalty.

Lioness: It's not because you're royal blood. I was doing it to protect you. God knows what you could've done if you let your emotions get the best of you. I didn't want you to let the darkness grow inside you because that's what happened to your father and all those who came before him. If a mystic could have any real flaw, it's darkness of some kind. Fear, hatred, anger, greed, and pride are all examples of darkness. Also, being too smart, too powerful, or both is another flaw and that's why I've worked hard to keep you on the path of light. I don't want you to end up like him and I don't want that for your brother either. I can't lose either of you like that.

Uniqua: That's why you and Father gave me gloves?

Lioness: Yes, he also didn't want you to have all the powers you do and he didn't want the people to know. He wanted to hide parts about you to only control you and all mystics.

Uniqua: It came back to bite him in the butt, didn't it? He wanted to discipline Hothead for screaming and keep my powers hidden. That's all I got from everything we've found out about him.

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