Uniqua & Mettaton Explore Minecraft PT. 3

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Uniqua: Aight, the next biome we'll be passing through is the Savanah. There's a small beach near it we can rest at.

Mettaton: A beach near a Savanah? That's somewhat odd.

Uniqua: Not everything in Minecraft makes sense all the time. I mean, the dirt floats. That's not normal.

Mettaton: So, how do we reach the Savanah?

Uniqua: We might have to go through a cave or tunnel in these hills. The map shows one that isn't far. It'll spit us back out near the bottom of the hills inside the next biome.

Mettaton: Does it have to be a dark tunnel?

Uniqua: Yeah, it's the only way.

Mettaton: For the pink wood, I will endure these challenges.

Uniqua: See? It's gonna be fine! We are armed and ready! Nothing is gonna happen to us!

*Uniqua and Mettaton find a cave and begin their trek to the Savanah biome. The two mine out walls until they reach the base of the hills of the Savanah.*

Mettaton: You were right. It wasn't so bad passing through the hills like that.

Uniqua: I told you. Now, we should be seeing a village around here. The map shows one and I wanna see if there's any good stuff there.

Mettaton: Do you think they'd be near the beach? Maybe they'll have towels, swim gear, umbrellas, and sunblock.

Uniqua: Maybe. Let's go check it out.

*The duo travels across the Savanah to reach the beachside village. The villagers welcome them in and help them locate the beach.*

Mettaton: We thank you all for letting us stay here for the night. We've had to camp out the past two nights.

Villager #38: It's no problem! Where are you two going?

Uniqua: We're on our way to the nearest Cherry Grove. I promised I'd take him to see it and gather some of the flowers and wood.

Villager #38: Oh, that sounds very nice! We've heard about the Cherry Groves popping up all over this land. Traders come by and share stories of them.

Mettaton: Maybe you'll get the chance to see them in person one day.

Villager #38: Yeah, it might be a while. One must become a trader in order to leave the village or get captured by Illagers. Anyway, enjoy our lovely, scenic Juniper Beach. Don't be afraid to call for Villager #572 if you need anything!

Villager #196: Hey! Villager #38! Are you coming to Villager #61's wedding tomorrow?

Villager #38: I'll definitely be there! You're one of his best men, right?

Villager #196: No, I thought he asked Villager #945 to do that.

Villager: #38: Wait, he asked me the other day and I declined. He said he'd ask you.

Villager #196: Don't tell me we have to call a village meeting to settle this!

Villager #38: We have to. It's the only way to figure out who he asked to be his best man.

*Both villagers head to the center of the village to call together the others for a town meeting. Uniqua and Mettaton head to Juniper Beach for a nice break from traveling.*

Uniqua: I guess Juniper Beach is kinda nice for what it is. It's not super big and it's quiet most of the time. I see why the villagers love it.

Mettaton: It's the perfect tourist location. They should be making hundreds of emeralds off this beach!

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