Uniqua & Mettaton Vs. Fanart

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Uniqua: What up, homies! You may or may not have requested this. If you didn't request this, it was probably Kai's idea to drag us in here for... What are we doing again?

Mettaton: I'm not sure, dear.

Oh, you guys just have to look at fanart-

Uniqua: I'm gonna stop you there. I'm not looking at DeviantArt.

Too bad, I have it pulled up and there's no going back. You have to. It was in the contract.

Uniqua: Contract? What contract?

You signed a contract to do these episodes.

Uniqua: I thought that was a receipt for Greenhouse Cafe.

Mettaton: I guess we have to look through these again.

Yeah, you do. I'm gonna apologize for the weird fanart in case you guys run into any.

Uniqua: It's the internet, Kai! There's always a darker side of it!

Anyway, I'm gonna leave you two here. I have a few things to take care of.

Uniqua: I am questioning everything except my sexuality now because of that one sentence.

Mettaton: Let's just have a look at what fans have created.

Uniqua: Yeah, alright.

*The first image is a safe image. Only fluff. Literally. Uniqua is shown to be very angry. In fact, she actually appeared fluffier.*

Mettaton: Awwww!!! You look so fluffy!

Uniqua: I don't know what you did to make me so mad but, I just went floof here.

Mettaton: Exactly, I will admit you look adorable like that.

Uniqua: You say that every time, bro. I never enjoy it.

Mettaton: I believe your face tends to contradict that opinion.

Uniqua: BRUH!

Mettaton: Don't deny it, darling.

Uniqua: I will deny it until I'm in my grave.

Mettaton: Fine, have it your way. Let's take a look at the next one.

*The next image showed them as humans. Apparently, they were trying to find out why they had no magic or special abilities.*

Mettaton: Oh, we're humans here.

Uniqua: I think we were turned into humans somehow and now we have no clue how to reach high shelves. Wait, you're taller than me so you still wouldn't have a problem.

Mettaton: But are humans capable of growing hair on their legs?

Uniqua: Yeah, society okays men's leg hair. They tell women they need to shave in order to be pretty which is stupid because they are still pretty with all that.

Mettaton: Once again, you reject and shatter society's opinions and beliefs about women.

Uniqua: Hey, someone has to do it. Besides, you can get away with not doing it in the winter. I do that all the time because I don't wanna freeze my flank off.

Mettaton: I don't know why I've never noticed.

Uniqua: It's because I'm always wearing sweats and layers. One day you will see it and you will have to put up with it since I need the extra coat.

Mettaton: I'm moving on now so we don't have to make this any more awkward.

Uniqua: Good idea, bro.

*The next image was not safe.*

Uniqua: H-Hey, uh... Mett... I don't think that's fluff.

Mettaton: That isn't fluff at all. I-I'm sorry you have to see this.

Uniqua: Why is it still on the screen? I don't wanna look at it, man!

Mettaton: Moving on!

Uniqua: I think I need bleach now...

*The next image was safer. It wasn't as bad. It showed them in a cherry blossom forest.*

Mettaton: O-M-Goodness! This one is just gorgeous! Don't you think so, Uniqua?

Uniqua: There's an overload of Sakura trees on the screen. That isn't a bad thing because I like cherry blossoms. But hanging out with a dude in a forest like that? Heck no.

Mettaton: But we look so adorable here, though!

Uniqua: The only reason I'd do this is probably to escape playing Smash Bros. with Hothead. Seriously, I have only beaten him as Terry one freaking time and now I can barely win against him.

Mettaton: I don't care what you say, dear. We are going to have a picnic under these trees one day and I will braid the flowers into your hair.

Uniqua: W-What? I don't-

Mettaton: I think they'll really stand out against the neon hues.

Uniqua: I-I...

Mettaton: They might even bring out your eyes.

Uniqua: ...

Mettaton: I knew that would make you turn red.

Uniqua: S-Shut up, dingus.

Mettaton: Awww! I love you, too, dear! You're truly amazing in my eyes.

Uniqua: ... W-What the flip is happening...? I'm... Feeling things I can't even describe, bro. It hurts.

Mettaton: That's love. You've been alone and broken for so long so it's going to sting a little.

Uniqua: How do you get it to stop?

Mettaton: You shouldn't. It's healthy.

Uniqua: Bro, for real?

Mettaton: I think you could use a hug now, darling.

Uniqua: I-I guess so, dude.

*Mettaton picks Uniqua up and hugs her.*

Mettaton: You don't have to hide the truth, dear.

Uniqua: I'm not used to it, man. I have never had to feel this so what do you expect me to do?

Mettaton: Just know it's perfectly okay to feel it.

Hey, we're running out of time here. Let's wrap this up.

Mettaton: It's alright. I think we're just going to cuddle.

Uniqua: I can't believe I let myself become a pile of mush, dude. This is pathetic.

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