What Uni Says VS. What Uni Means FT. Frisk, Alphys, Chara

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Chara: Greetings, everyone! I'm here with my sister Frisk and our friend Alphys today. We're going to go over some things Uniqua commonly says and explain what they mean or what she actually wants to say.

Frisk: Some of these will be related to shipping so feel free to take notes.

Alphys: N-Now, understanding how U-Uni speaks is one thing. Understanding h-how she thinks and acts is another. We w-will try to be as accurate as p-possible when translating.

Chara: When she tells Mettaton to shut up in an angry tone, she's not always mad at him. She actually wants to say it playfully and punch his arm. However, she believes that shows weakness and refuses to say it playfully.

Frisk: She still punches his arm, though.

Alphys: If she's mad because he called her cute, she still isn't actually mad about it. She probably wants to be called cute. Unless she doesn't want to be called cute at that exact moment, she will never truly be mad at him for it.

Frisk: Don't believe her when she says she's just red because she's mad and she's trying to look intimidating. She is actually blushing. She just won't admit it.

Chara: If she says she doesn't like cuddling, that is a huge lie.

Alphys: I have proof, guys. She is lying! The way she acts when he cuddles her shows she could possibly be touch-starved!

Frisk: I thought she was touch-averted.

Alphys: She could be both. I'm not a psychologist but, I can say it's possible for her to be both due to her trauma.

Frisk: She always wants to keep all other ladies off him. That does include Pixelle. She's not doing it because he's her "friend," guys. It's because he's her "friend."

Alphys: No one tell them I have been writing fanfiction.

Frisk: We won't, Alphys.

Chara: I mean, I see what she's going after. Who can really blame her?

Alphys: Not everyone knows Mettaton still keeps a collection of diaries. I'm sure he's written nice things about her in them before.

Frisk: He has.

Chara: Frisk, how would you know?

Frisk: I do not snoop in his diaries.

Chara: That's suspicious.


Chara: You are going to end up becoming part of the Uniton shipping ammo supply chain, sis.

Frisk: Good!

Alphys: But has she written about him in her journals?

Frisk: I remember her saying she did but, she said she called him annoying. I guess that's a lie. She must have actually doodled him a lot instead in her journals.

Chara: You're thinking of her sketchbooks, Frisk. That's where a majority of her art is. Her journals have only positive things about him.

Alphys: I'm already imagining what she pit down!

Frisk: *impersonating Uni* Wassup, fam! Today was another good day despite all the chaos and the fact I woke up way too early for my own good. I made homemade pizza bites with the family and recorded that song I wrote a while back. Things were going good until Mettaton walked in and I nearly yeeted my guitar out the window.

Chara: Frisk, no!

Frisk: Frisk yes!

Alphys: What if she wrote the song for him, though?

Frisk: That would make the whole situation even more awkward.

Chara: Even though she claims she isn't one, she is most definitely a tsundere. She acts cold and intimidating around him but, she's also very sweet and open about her feelings.

Frisk: When has she ever openly admitted she had feelings for him around anyone except him?

Alphys: I think that can only be found by digging through her journals.

Chara: Or eavesdropping.

Frisk: Okay, you call me out for snooping in Mettaton's diaries but, you're fine with saying eavesdropping is okay and occasionally necessary. We need to have a serious conversation about this, Chara.

Chara: I'm a ghost, right? I can easily hide where they won't see me and be able to gather as much as I can. Uniqua isn't the only stealth master here. Besides, you already outed yourself when you said he does write positive things about her in them.

Alphys: Now, Frisk is the only one who has seen what Uniqua's room looks like.

Frisk: Even in the Undergound, she had ways of getting merch and seeing his shows. I'm not lying. I have seen her old room. She had posters, action figures, plushies, t-shirts, you name it.

Alphys: I remember Mettaton mentioning a body pillow with himself on it. He's been making those. Does she have one?

Frisk: I know I never saw one in her old room. I'm not sure if she got one.

Chara: I think she did. I might've seen it buried in her closet once.

Frisk: Wait, she has one?

Alphys: Knowing Uni, she wouldn't do anything weird with something like that.

Chara: She often hides most of the merch she has so people don't immediately realize she's got a thing for him. That includes the body pillow.

Frisk: How she reacts when we're all coming over for a sleepover: HIDE THE EVIDENCE! NO ONE MUST KNOW!

Chara: Anyway, we hope this was helpful to anyone who ever wondered how much of a tsundere she was. I know this quickly became chaos. At least we did our best to break down Uniqua's mannerisms.

Frisk: If you want us to do more like this, let's us know down below and we'll analyze someone else.

Alphys: And don't forget to submit your questions, gifts, and dares soon and check out Kai's other books. We'll see you next time!

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