Costume Calamity (Ep. 43)

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Mettaton: Welcome, darlings, to the most spectacular Hallween party! I'm coming to you live from Mystic Manor to-

*Several doors open and close randomly. Curtains are being blown around by a strange wind.*

Mettaton: A-As I was saying, there are many activities planned tonight and-

*Lightning flashed to reveal what looked like a Mimikyu in the mirror behind Mettaton for a second.*

Mettaton: Uniqua! What's going on here? I'm trying to do a report on this event!

*Uniqua is nowhere to be found. The lights were out and dark shadows wandered across the walls.*

Mettaton: This isn't funny, darling! Please stop turning my news coverage into a horror film.

*Uniqua still wasn't there. The only things that could be heard were the hinges of doors and shutters and the howling wind outside.*

Mettaton: Uniqua...? A-Are you there...?

*Mettaton looked around to see if he could spot her. Unfortunately, the lack of light made it harder.*

Mettaton: Please tell me the evil spirits didn't get you yet...

*He wandered the halls and rooms, hoping to find her. The mare still wasn't around. But a dark figure loomed behind him.*

Mettaton: Uni, this isn't funny. Stop playing around and come out! I thought you didn't like scary things.

*A shadowy arm slowly made its way to Mettaton's head.*

Mettaton: W-What is that...?

*Mettaton slowly turned to face what or who was behind him. Before he could scream, the other shadow arm covered his mouth.*

Uniqua: Relax, dude. It's just a cosplay. You really should've seen your face, though. You were all like "OMG, IT'S A TOTEM MIMIKYU! IT'S COME FOR MY SOUL!"

Mettaton: Uniqua, that wasn't funny!

Uniqua: Yeah, it was! You looked like you soiled yourself as soon as you saw me like this!

Mettaton: These cruel pranks of yours have to stop!

Uniqua: Sorry, it's tradition! Every October always has to be full of scare pranks.

Mettaton: Seriously?

Uniqua: Yeah, I have been scaring the daylights outta peeps all month! I actually have a knack for it!

Mettaton: You cannot be serious.

Uniqua: But I am! I used to be really good at scaring Hothead when we were little and I still manage to make him jump. He also figured out to get back at me.

Mettaton: How long did that Mimikyu cosplay take?

Uniqua: I started it a few months ago and I had Hoth help me out with it.

Mettaton: So, these arms are not your real arms?

Uniqua: Nope, we had to get wooden dowels to help me move them. I'm practically wearing a parade float crossed with a puppet.

Mettaton: At least it looks amazing!

Uniqua; Thanks, man! Your Roserade cosplay is cool, too! I see you went with the female Roserade.

Mettaton: Wait, there are gender differences? I just thought having a longer cape suited me more.

Uniqua: Yeah, some species of Pokémon have gender differences. Female Roserade have longer capes. But I guess you having one kinda fits since you are feminine. Also, are you wearing a corset?

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