Prank Wars! (Ep. 34.5)

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*It was a bright day in the crew's Minecraft server. Uniqua was outside Mettaton's with a can of shaving cream and a feather, waiting to prank him. She wasn't alone, though.*

Uniqua: Shouldn't be too much longer, guys. He'll be out soon. I feel it.

Sans: you really think so?

Hothead: She knows what she's doing, Sans.

Sans: but how are you planning to do it? he might sense you're near and wake up.

Uniqua: That's what these potions are for. I made sure I hade plenty of invisibility potions so he wouldn't see me.

Hothead: Yeah, but wouldn't he see the floating shaving cream and feather?

Uniqua: Good point...

Sans: you'll have to be quick then. got any potions of swiftness?

Uniqua: I only have one and I do have these leather boots with Swift Sneak just in case.

Hothead: Looks like he's out. Hurry and go in there.

Uniqua: Aight, you two keep watch out here. Hollar if you see anything.

*Uniqua then silently opened the doors of the house and entered. She quickly gulped down an invisibility potion and approached the robot with the shaving gel ready. After applying some in his hand, she tickled his nose with the feather then quickly ducked behind a bookshelf. Mettaton then rose up and realized what had just happened.*

Mettaton: What is this? Why do I have shaving cream on my face?

*Sans, Hothead, and Uniqua tried to stifle their laughter as the unicorn quickly and quietly climbed out the window.*

Mettaton: I know I have no need to shave. Who could've done this?

Sans: nice going! you got him!

Hothead: He doesn't know what hit him!

Uniqua: Alright, let's get out of here before he sees us.

Mettaton: Who's outside?!


*Hothead, Sans, and Uniqua all run off and hide before Mettaton could even catch them.*

Mettaton: Fine! You want a prank war?! You're getting a prank war!

*Later, Mettaton had somehow managed to get a hold of Sans' shorts. He had cut holes in the back of them and Sans had no clue he was walking around like that.*

Uniqua: And then I said "Go get some training wheels for that bike, Shadow!"

Frisk: Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?

Uniqua: Well, he was going too slow! You can't do that in the fast lane!

Mettaton: Here I thought you were a boss.

Uniqua: Bro, I really couldn't come up with a better comeback. What else was I supposed to say?

Frisk: Wait, what is up with Sans' shorts?

Mettaton: Wow, he's really making that work!

Uniqua: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dude, your rear is showing!

Undyne: Wait, what?!

Uniqua: Look at this dude! Did a moth turn those into a Thanksgiving feast?

Undyne: Sans! You know better!


Sans: what are you guys talking about? nothing's wrong.

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