Double Date With Uniqua, Mettaton, Spamton & Digger PT. 2

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Spamton: Looks like they heard about your [Generous Sponsorship].

Mettaton: Not all of them know, Spam. Let's try not to tell them. Who knows what could happen then.

Uniqua: Yeah, that might be for the best. I'm trying to keep a low profile. If people knew I was in a relationship, my whole reputation would be garbage. I can't have people thinking I'm soft.

Mettaton: Oh, you'd rather look like an intimidating loner who just so happened to be a third wheel with these two.

Digger: Hey, if anyone is the third wheel, it's me and Spamton here. You two are the actual couple.

Uniqua: Not so loud, Digger! We're in public!

Spamton: If it makes you feel any better, we could just say we're all just [Casual Friday] friends. We can just say he's treating us to dinner after a nice [Class Reunion].

Digger: It'll be easier to call it a class reunion for you guys. Uniqua and I are barely 19. She literally graduated last year.

Spamton: Well, I'm all out of [Great Sales Pitch]. I don't suppose any of you have any better ideas?

Uniqua: How about a group of friends who call themselves found family- Wait, would that still make me look soft?

Digger: It's worth a shot, Uni.

Uniqua: As long as no one reveals that I'm actually dating Mettaton, we should be good.

*Just outside the cafe, a small group of reporters watched as the group was escorted to a table. They had managed to sneak by disguised as normal civilians.*

Spamton: So, you said you were a thing, right?

Mettaton: Yes, we are even if she won't always admit it.

Uniqua: Don't get ahead of yourself, Mett. It's only been a few months.

Mettaton: A few months? Darling, our anniversary is in a few months. It's been nearly a whole year since our first date.

Uniqua: H-Has it? Dang, I thought it was still March or April.

Digger: Uni, it's August.

Uniqua: A-And our first date was... It was December, wasn't it?

Digger: Yeah, it was.

Uniqua: I gotta mark my calendar now.

Mettaton: I thought you already had.

Uniqua: No, that was supposed to be a one-time thing. Now, we've gone on more dates. No one else can know about this, man.

Mettaton: Why shouldn't they know? It might be good for you, dear.

Uniqua: No, it won't. I can't look soft at all. No one will take me seriously if people believe I'm soft. I don't want them to think I'm just everybody's doormat.

Mettaton: I'm sure they'd understand. Besides, they wouldn't want you to be so alone. Seeing you with someone you love would make them happy because you would be happy.

Uniqua: Seeing my people and allies living the lives they want safely and freely makes me happy. They should be glad I went through the trouble of getting them rights.

Mettaton: Whatever you say, love. I must warn you, though. Eventually, they will find out about us. It's happened to me before. They have their ways of snooping around.

Uniqua: Well, I won't confirm anything if they ask. It'll be more effective if you deny it.

Mettaton: Anything for you, my queen.

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