Movie Night In The Mushroom Kingdom Question Box

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Mario: Hello again, Wattpad! Many of you may know the new Super Mario movie is about to be released and I'm sure you're all just as excited for it as I am. Now, I'm here to take questions for the next episode of this Q&A since they plan on returning to the Mushroom Kingdom to see the premiere with us. Please do make sure to leave your questions, dares, and Easter gifts down below in the comments for me, Luigi, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, or any of our friends from Ebbott City and Hometown. Who knows? Maybe you can ask Sonic and his friends from Mobious. Also, don't spoil the movie for anyone! Not everyone will have the chance to watch it when it comes out. The author might not get to see it until she gets it on Prime Video which might be a while. She might see it on her birthday. Anyway, I have to go help Princess Peach prepare for Easter now. Bye bye!

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