8th Anniversary Celebration PT. 2 (Ep. 42)

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Frisk: It looks like we have more questions. I don't see why we can't answer them.

Chara: I'll let everyone know. Uni and Metta are just finishing up a rap battle so, they'll be here in a minute.

Frisk: Wait, Mettaton is rapping?

Chara: Uni is rapping. Mettaton is just singing. Apparently, he doesn't take kindly to being dissed.

Frisk: That hasn't fully changed about him.

Chara: No, it hasn't. They've practically been together for a few years now and he still can't stand having his pride crushed.

Frisk: You don't know that, Chara. I mean, he has pretty much been flirting with her the most since they met but, I think they barely just started out.

Chara: You may have a point, Frisk. But she hasn't said anything about that yet.

Frisk: Chara, I know she feels something for him. I know it's there. She does like him.

Chara: Well, I'll take your word for it. I still think we should wait until they admit it.

Frisk: Today could be the day they say it. There are questions about that here.

Chara: Wait, there are? Huh, I guess it could come out.

Uniqua: Yo, what's going on over here?

Mettaton: Yes, we've been hearing a lot about our relationship, darlings. I hope you two aren't plotting anything.

Frisk: What? Us? No, you can trust us. We're not scheming.

Uniqua: That sounds a little sus, Frisk.

Frisk: It's not sus!

Chara: Anyway, everyone has now joined again and I say we should get started. We have no Truth or Dare questions this time so, we'll be able to get through this quicker.

Frisk: First question! "Mettaton, if you could be a mystic, what species would you be?"

Mettaton: Hmm, there are quite a few I think would suit me best. I think I'd have to be a fox. They're usually known for being smart, sly tricksters.

Uniqua: Yeah, another thing you should know about foxes is that they actually sound really freaking adorable. They sound like laughing chipmunks!

Alphys: W-With that said, I t-think it's time to s-show off that new f-feature, Mettaton.

Uniqua: What did you do this time, Alphys? It better not be weird.

*Mettaton gains a pair of black fox ears and a dark colored tail.*

Alphys: H-He now has a f-fox form. It wasn't m-my idea. He wanted it.

Uniqua: So, he wanted to become a mystic?

Mettaton: Of course! What do you think, love?

Uniqua: Just explain to me why you wanted to become a fox.

Mettaton: I just thought you might like me better.

Uniqua: Well, that was a stupid idea. You really didn't need to do this much. But now you have floof that needs scritches and I literally can't help it.

*Uniqua then started scratching Mettaton behind the ears. Adorable, little, happy fox noises escaped him.*

Uniqua: Is he able to morph?

Alphys: W-We haven't tested t-that yet. He w-would end up being smaller t-than you, Uni.


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