Hide & Seek With An Impostor! (Ep. 34)

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Uniqua: What up, homies! It's Uni and I'm here in this shuttle that's taking me to my new helicarrier. It just came in this week so I wanna make sure it's in good shape since we'll be using it to transport soldiers to battlegrounds, other countries, maybe even ships at sea. But I'm not gonna inspect it alone. There's supposed to be 14 others helping look over the place. They said it was a similar build to the airship from Henry Stuckman so I just wanna see what they meant. I heard that ship was a labyrinth and can be chaotic in Among Us. Hopefully, it won't be too bad.

Hothead: Sup, sis.

Uniqua: Hey, Hothead! Are the others coming in?

Hothead: They should be soon.

Hoth: Hello!

Digger: Hey, guys!

Uniqua: Okay, let's just wait for eleven more peeps to join and we'll get started here.

Hoth: I hope you don't mind if Pixelle joins us.

Uniqua: As long as she inspects the helicarrier and not hit on Mettaton, we won't have any problems.

Pixelle: So, this is what we're doing today?

Uniqua: Yeah, just make sure you stay in your lane.

Mettaton: Alright! For once I'm not late, Uniqua!

Uniqua: Good, who else is coming?

Mettaton: Alphys and I convinced Undyne to join today. Let's hope all goes well.

Uniqua: Aight, that's already eight spots taken.

Sans: hey, everyone.

Papyrus: HELLO!

Uniqua: That's ten now.

Alphys: Okay, did we m-miss anything?

Mettaton: No, you've made it.

Undyne: Great, do we have a full shuttle?

Hothead: Not yet, just five more.

Chara: Greetings!

Frisk: Hi!

Uniqua: Three more people can join. There's not much room left.

Digger: Hopefully, they can hurry.

Napstablook: Did... Did I make it?

Hothead: You're good, Nap. You're just in time.

Flowey: Why do I have to work with you people?

Frisk: Because you have no other choice today.

Flowey: F-

Uniqua: Nope, you can't say that.

Spamton: Hey! Every!

Hothead: Alright, the shuttle is full!

Uniqua: We can't let anyone else in. We have enough members. Now, I'm gonna let y'all into the helicarrier and we'll get started.

*Uniqua then starts the game and Chara is chosen to be the impostor.*

Chara: Wait, I'm not feeling so good.

Frisk: Chara, are you okay- OH NO!

Digger: What happened to him?!

Sans: just run, guys! he's gonna kill us!

Mettaton: What?!

Uniqua: This is bad! One of my first tasks is near him!

Hothead: Quickly do it and run!

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