The Unicorn's Challenge PT. 2 (Ep. 38)

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*The remaining challengers continued to roll downhill. Mettaton managed to pull ahead after Hoth beat him at the gravity tunnel.*

Mystic Guard: The winner of the Nova Trial is Mettaton! He's the first to move onto the next challenge followed by Hoth in second place and Cocker Roach, to everyone's disappointment, in third!

Hoth: Wait, I survived...? How did my lungs even pull this off...?

Cocker Roach: You should all be happy I made the top three for this! I could be king again!

Mettaton: As if you have a chance at stealing the throne! Try all you want but, you'll never regain what you lost.

Uniqua: Y'know, I really thought you weren't an athlete, Hoth.

Hoth: Same here. Please don't hit me right now. I'm trying to catch my breath after running in an inflatable orb downhill.

Uniqua: While you do that, we're gonna shrink the group again. Any competitors who came in last now have to leave. They've all been eliminated.

Lioness: The next challenge will be somewhat formal. We have all this tea provided by the Addisons for you all to try. But you all need to wear a blindfold and guess which tea it is.

Uniqua: Not the Mettaton tea! I am not drinking that this time!

Hoth: Right... That's the tea that's gonna burn us all...

Mettaton: I have no idea what you're talking about. It's fine!

Uniqua: No, it's not! If I wanted to breathe fire, I would become a Dragon like Hothead. Not to mention, I hate the taste of glitter and I'm not sure if that's a vegan leather taste or if it's real leather.

Hoth: I think it's real leather.

Uniqua: GOD DANG IT!!!

Hoth: Yeah, that's the thing about Uni. She doesn't wanna taste leather. She's willing to wear leather jackets, though, as long as it isn't vegan. Faux leather isn't as durable.

Lioness: Anyway, let's all head inside now. The tables should be set up for the challenge.

*One tea challenge later...*

Mettaton: Please tell me you have something sweeter than this disgusting tea.

Lioness: There should be some ice cream in the freezer. Give us a minute to help Uniqua after drinking the Mettaton tea again.


Mettaton: At least it cleared your sinuses-

Uniqua: Shut up, Mett!

Hoth: I think it was a bad idea to include this one.

Cocker Roach: Wait, why does this tea exist?

Hoth: We don't really know.

Lioness: So, who gets to be eliminated this time?

Uniqua: No one does. This challenge was merely to help us get ready for the other formal challenges. But then again, I'm never ready for them anyway.

Lioness: Really? You're not gonna boot out anyone?

Uniqua: I could still do it to shrink down how many are moving on.

Lioness: Looks like more of you are going to be eliminated. Since this wasn't an athletic challenge, there's specific criteria we're judging you all by. All competitors who won't be moving on must listen for their name or number. Once we call your name, you can go.

Hoth: Hold up, we have more questions! Kai is still here and she'd like to ask them!

Uniqua: You're buying me some time to come up with an escape plan here! I'm not gonna be here for the next challenge!

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