Coronation Chaos (Ep. 16)

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Omochao: Welcome, everyone, to the wondrous Mystic Manor! I'm your host Omochao and you're watching NewsMobius. Today is a very big day as it is the coronation of a young ruler who has finally come of age. Princess Uniqua the Unicorn, captain of the Wonder Kingdom Royal Guard and teen rock sensation, will now be taking the throne. But before we can get to the coronation itself, let's have a word with the friends and family of the new Mystic queen. Our correspondent and fellow news anchor Mettaton EX is currently inside with some information from the former queen Lioness.

Mettaton: Thank you, Omochao. I've spoken with a few Mystics already and most believe Uniqua is worthy of being the next queen. Yet another 63% think she may not be mentally prepared. We know Uniqua has had some rather difficult times in her life but, she never gave up on herself or her people. Now, I have her mother here with me to give us a brief explanation of all the trials the princess has had to overcome. What can you tell us about Uniqua's upbringing, Lioness?

Lioness: Well, she's always wanted to be queen honestly. I just saw a future ruler in her at a very young age and thought she'd be perfect. I never thought she'd have to go through so much just to prove she was worthy to the gods. I mean, going through ten years of abuse from her father and fighting a lot of major internal battles definitely wrecked her mentally. But she never quit or gave up entirely since she knew Mystics would one day need her to be the ruler they need and she didn't care what others said about her. I'm really proud of her for coming this far and I hope she continues while leading our people onward to the future she's always hoped for.

Mettaton: Ah, so she did have moments where quitting everything would've taken some of the sting away?

Lioness: Yeah, she kind of did. I'm glad she didn't because that shows how strong her spirit is. The people she surrounded herself with helped guide her when she thought she was lost and she never once stopped to look back.

Mettaton: Now, what do other nobles and elites think of Uniqua being a single ruler?

Lioness: Oh, they hate it. It's her decision to be single and it's her decision to stay away from misogynistic people. It's the modern day and not all women and princesses want a man to do all the work or save them. If they want their sons to actually get any women, they would have to unlearn everything their parents taught them about gender roles and learn to be open-minded about how minorities want to be treated.

Mettaton: Do you pity them at all?

Lioness: Nope, I actually don't blame Uni for giving them the boot. Some of them criticized us because of our ideals or even straight up disrespected us. So what if I have power tools? So what if she takes on more masculine duties? There shouldn't be a problem with that.

Mettaton: Ah, I take it she's gotten some sarcasm from you?

Lioness: Hey, she's my daughter. What else can I say?

*A penguin Mystic in a tuxedo approaches with a dark envelope in hand.*

Von: Your majesty, I've found a message from the banished king. You might want to have a look at it while the princess is upstairs.

Lioness: Thanks, Von. Also, you don't have to call me that anymore.

Von: Apologies, Lioness, I've gotten used to the formalities. I suppose I should probably learn a few informal or casual greetings from our new ruler.

*Von soon leaves to finish setting things up for the event as Lioness opens the envelope and carefully reads her ex's message.*

Lioness: "Dear Lioness, I've noticed I wasn't invited to Uniqua's coronation. I will be coming. Do not prepare the guards as this is not a threat." Sure sounds like one to me.

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