Mettaton & Hoth Sign Up!

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*A crowd of people seemed to swarm a small booth set up in the park. Most of them were men looking to take up Uniqua's new challenge.*

Lioness: Alright, single file! Single file please! Don't crowd around the booth! You'll all be able to secure a spot in the competition! Just don't do anything stupid here, guys! She may not be present but, that doesn't mean we're not reporting any of this to her!

Digger: Name please?

Man #1: Alejandro Morales.

Digger: Okay, you're here to compete or spectate?

Man #1: Compete.

Digger: Alright, here's your uniform and your number. Be sure to arrive at Mystic Manor at least an hour before the challenge. Early birds are welcome. Have a good day!

Man #1: Thank you!

Digger: Next in line!

Hoth: Hey Lioness, you wouldn't mind letting me compete, would you?

Lioness: Uh, I guess you could. Digger, leave Hoth a spot, k?

Digger: What? He's crazy! Uni already picked her guy! Why's he trying to get in?

Hoth: Maybe she needs some convincing that I'm a better pick. I mean, there's no way Mettaton could survive all those events. He's too pretty to compete. It'll practically be a swampy mosh pit.

Mettaton: Is that a bet I smell?

Hoth: You're not really the athletic type, right?

Mettaton: Well, neither are you. I, on the other hand, stand a much better chance at plowing through the challenges.

Hoth: Really? I thought it'd be too much of a hassle since you'd be more concerned about your looks. You know that's why she picked you.

Mettaton: I know she wouldn't go with a pale, nerdy, weeb of a husky like you.

Hoth: At least I don't have an ego as big as a whale!

Mettaton: At least I stay fit and in shape for her.

Lioness: Burn!

Digger: It is kinda true, though.

Hoth: How about this? We'll both compete.

Mettaton: Alright, that's fair.

Hoth: Whoever survives the most challenges and proves themselves worthy, gets her.

Mettaton: I feel I've already done that but, I'll give it another go if it makes you feel masculine.

Lioness: Neither of you are gonna do anything stupid, will you?

Hoth: Don't worry, we know how to be respectful men compared to these other guys. We don't break her down, ask for money, belittle her achievements, or anything else that could make her feel less than what she is.

Mettaton: Exactly, we also don't make any negative comments about her-

Hoth: Except that time when we hung out with Digger while Spamton was at work.

Mettaton: What?

Lioness: What did he say, Hoth?

Hoth: So, he agreed with her that love is a pure feeling and said there's something else he gets.

Mettaton: What are you doing?! Are you trying to make sure her family dumps me?!

Lioness: That's enough! First of all, you can't say anything like that to her again, Mettaton! Second, you two may not tear each other apart! You said you were respectful men and yet, you act like teenage boys fighting over her! That is not respectful of her or of each other! I don't care if you're both taller than me, I'll still take you on if it's for my daughter!

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