Double Date With Uniqua, Mettaton, Spamton & Digger PT. 3

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Spamton: I guess we could all share a [Fun Fact] or maybe even a [Major Event] on our planner while we wait.

Digger: If this is what we're doing, I wanna share about my new job.

Uniqua: Wait, you have a job now?

Digger: I'm a landscaper.

Uniqua: You don't really make anything from that, do you?

Digger: No, the first client actually yelled at me and threatened me with a bat if I didn't get off his lawn. I made a point to never do business with him again.

Mettaton: What did you do to his lawn?

Uniqua: The police said she was adding a secret bunker for him. He never asked for one in the first place.

Digger: You never know when robots will overthrow all government and start taking lives!

Mettaton: How can you say that!

Uniqua: Digger, I think you need to chill before we see a chainsaw here.

Digger: Someone has to lead the survivors to safety.

Spamton: I don't think that [Robot Apocalypse] is happening any time soon. It's best that we just [Remain Calm] instead of [Ripping Off Heads.]

Mettaton: Besides, I would never join the murderous hordes. That may have been a concept Alphys had in mind but, why would I harm the ones I care about?

Digger: It's still just a thought.

Uniqua: I know you still have beef with him. Just don't act on it.

Spamton: On a [Better] note, I have been [Formally Invited] to a [Costume Fest] this October.

Mettaton: That's wonderful! You're climbing back up, Spamton!

Uniqua: Noice, you're gonna be able to get a good turnout from that for sure.

Mettaton: Of course, it depends on what you're selling. Anime merch does go fast. Alphys has a tendency to buy as much as she can.

Uniqua: So does Hoth. I mainly go to conventions to find stuff related to my favorite games. I also go to cosplay.

Spamton: The [Individuals] hosting the [Convention] also wanted me to see about getting some [VIP Guests]. It's all part of the [Contract].

Mettaton: Spamton, if you manage to get me a spot there, you could have a chance to be on my show-

Uniqua: Don't feed his ego. I want less work to do later. But I still don't mind if it inflates more than it should because he'll crash and burn sooner.

Mettaton: Why are you attacking me?

Uniqua: Someone has to keep you in check, homie.

Spamton: Speaking of your [Professional Relationship], have you considered any [Alternative Names] you could use when [Referring] to your [Soulmate?]

Uniqua: Nope, I haven't and I never will.

Mettaton: That's not what you said when you texted me last night.

Uniqua: Don't tell them about that! Just because we're the only ones at this here booth doesn't mean you get to just give out sensitive information! What happens in our private convos stays in our private convos.

Digger: Wait, what are we talking about again?

Mettaton: Petnames, Digger. My little Cutie Uni is too embarrassed to admit she used one recently.

Uniqua: I told you not to call me that in public, dude! You're trashing my reputation here!

Digger: I never thought you'd actually use petnames, Uni. I'd say that quite a lot of growth. The fact you're not strangling him for using one on you while still calling you adorable is also growth.

Uniqua: I'm supposed to be feral and he's taking a lot of that away from me.

Digger: You're forgetting something. You're not feral. You're just a little crazy. I'm the one who's actually feral.

*Hoth returns to their table with their order. Just before he places down the first plate, a cockroach runs across the table.*


Mettaton: Let's try to avoid causing a scene, love.

Uniqua: I was trained to kill roaches. You can't tell me to fall back when there's one trying to crash the party.

Hoth: Y-Yeah, let her take care of it, Mettaton. She knows what she's doing.

Mettaton: As long as she doesn't completely destroy this place, she can fight that pest.

Digger: I think he's headed for another booth. I see him running across the room.

Spamton: That table has a [Young Human Infant] and a [Family Unit].


*Uniqua quickly gets up and chases after the roach. She jumps in front of the table he was scurrying to and tries to stomp on him. The insect quickly escapes through the front entrance as Uniqua hurries after him.*

Hoth: Folks, we apologize for the commotion. Please remain calm as Uniqua handles this.

*Just outside the window, Uniqua can be seen swinging her sword at the roach.*

Hoth: I take it you'll be cutting this short?

Mettaton: I think we'll take it to-go actually.

*Mettaton quickly rushes outside to de-escalate the situation. Digger follows close behind.*

Spamton: I hope you accept [KROMER] because that's all I have.

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